@gazlan wrote:
This Icke appears to have some very peculiar theories which, in my opinion….warrant further indepth study….Of course, i realise that for many of you lot here, the highlight of life is no more than waiting for take-away to be delivered or sowing hubby`s socks but, occasionally, just occasionally try and break free from the obvious monotony you suffer…….. There are, and i have no doubt that, on this very site, there will be people who like myself, like to push the boundaries and escape the circle that…….so many are confined to….go on…give it a try…you might like it
PS- I realise that enticing sensible debate on this site can be like, throwing a stink bomb into a crowded bingo hall………prove me wrong…..heheh :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink:
Nob 8)