Drac, try xenophobia, which is a more wide-ranging term than racism. Racism is linked, and the two can be confused, but Trump is guilty on both counts. It’s an inward, insular approach to life, becoming more common.
In the US, it’s up to individual states to make the rules for qualification as a presidential candidate, and these rules differ widely. It’s a federal system.
Funnily enough, only 500-odd American actually vote for president. Clinto and Trmp will not be appearing on ballots. No Presidential candidate ever does. You vote for electors, not for a president. The electors then go on in Decemeber to vote for the President directly. It’s a funny system, written in 1787, to ensure that demoracy didn’t interfere with the process.
Some electors are rogues and vote for a candidate of their own choice. Once, one elector decided to vote for Walter Jones, the local postman, because Mr Jones was a good postman who braved all weathers. So, Walter Jones got 1 vote in the elction, as opposed to 500-odd for the other two candidates.
I wasn’t wanting my thoughts validating off anyone, least of all by you with a smartarse “er, yes”, it’s just I put it plain and simple and not with all the bullshit of two wannabe politicians like you and Draculina …….. waffle waffle waffle.
I wouldn’t of put it quite so bluntly but am inclined to agree with Reason …. No offence Drac but not all comment needs analyising & some of us make tongue in cheek comments.
Mind yer manners Reason …… (gives that look ) !
Oh dear
Better not swear at some of these jumped up slimy, arrogant, up their own ar5e, five knuckle shuffle tossas.
Drac, try xenophobia, which is a more wide-ranging term than racism. Racism is linked, and the two can be confused, but Trump is guilty on both counts. It’s an inward, insular approach to life, becoming more common.
In the US, it’s up to individual states to make the rules for qualification as a presidential candidate, and these rules differ widely. It’s a federal system.
Funnily enough, only 500-odd American actually vote for president. Clinto and Trmp will not be appearing on ballots. No Presidential candidate ever does. You vote for electors, not for a president. The electors then go on in Decemeber to vote for the President directly. It’s a funny system, written in 1787, to ensure that demoracy didn’t interfere with the process.
Some electors are rogues and vote for a candidate of their own choice. Once, one elector decided to vote for Walter Jones, the local postman, because Mr Jones was a good postman who braved all weathers. So, Walter Jones got 1 vote in the elction, as opposed to 500-odd for the other two candidates.
I wasn’t wanting my thoughts validating off anyone, least of all by you with a smartarse “er, yes”, it’s just I put it plain and simple and not with all the bullshit of two wannabe politicians like you and Draculina …….. waffle waffle waffle.
The main reason the decisions of the US seem more important is because they’re a big country/economy – call it what you want, that drop more major bollox nationally and internationally than anyone else, mainly because they think they are superior in every way to the rest of us – foookin septics pfffft