I genuinely miss Mrs Teapot. She lived in Beverley, and I often wonder whether I met her for real when I visited the cafe there during a visit to a concert in the Cathedral.
It was before JC, though, and in a street full of cafes, so neither of us could really say.
She was an ardent brexiteer, but like draculina you could argue with her without it descening into name-calling. We both made the awful mistake (very embarrassing) of defending Jimmy Saville at the outset of the allegations – for very different reasons – she knew him and I just thought it was unfair to accuse a dead man, even one as unlikeable as Saville. She persuaded me to shut the f*k up as the accusdations mounted and she said she now actually thought he was guilty. I think that was the biggest mistake I’ve made on the boards so far.
Arc, the line between serious, semi-serious and games of charades has always been ignored – really. Abuse has occurred no matter how ligh-hearted teh discussion, and I will be the happiest if it should stop. There is a distinction between abuse and rough banter.
Reason, why, thank you, keep up the flattery.
As I said before, it’s ok for you to start name calling after you are pulled up on being racist, but cry like a child wanting it’s own way when someone has a go back.
Anyway I’m bored now you bigoted, pretentious old fool.
Most people come on to JC for banter, maybe online friends who won’t let them down, serious discussion. Rough banter can be enjoyable if there’s a good nature underlying it.
Most people find that as well. It makes jc worth being in.
But there’s a nasty edge in the room and on the boards too, and we are forced to be nasty ourselves, sometimes, as you know. I actually don’t like that genuine nastiness, and I am only too pleased when it passes.
I remember a character called Mrs Teapot. We were good friends, often supporting one another in some bad times here, but in the end she left. She said she just couldn’t take they hypocrisy and the nasty games here any more.
Reason, War and Peace is actually a good read, but a lot of characters. Try Dostoeveky’s The Brothers Karamazov.
you don’t think this continual stream of personal abuse spoils it for me?
I like discussion of arguments. Pete shows how to do that with humour; draculina shows how to do that seriously, despite deep disagreements.
If someone is following me with a virulent personal abuse in an attempt to drive me out, I’ll defend myself the best way I can, ignore it when I can.
The ‘rest of us’ are not above the abuse either, angel, though it’s not as virulent. That’s one thing some of us have come to associate with jc and learn somehow to live with it.
I am not going to allow myself to be driven out by anyone full stop. When I leave, it’s of my own accord, and it won’t be advertised.
It’s ok for you though to call people “rats” and “prats” amongst other things, just because they pick up on what many would see as a racist remark that was made by you, how dare they disagree with you????
Not everyone likes to do posts that resemble war and peace and just because they read and disagree with something you say it doesn’t mean they want a long winded debate.
Personally I couldn’t give a shyte if you stay or go and I expect the feeling is mutual.
Nothing to do with a nickname but I was once in a shop with a female friend who thought she was just letting a sneaky fart out but it turned out to be the mother and father of all cheek rattlers, she scuttled off up the shop leaving me in slight shock but laughing away to myself, it goes without saying who all the other shoppers will have thought done it.
Scep with all your ramblings the only thing you have proved to me is what a conceited person you are, you have no idea and would be lost without Google etc.
Scep, to put it bluntly, who the foook do you think you are telling people what is and isn’t important to them? You have no idea of what is and isn’t going on in peoples lives, personally I have far more to worry about than who the self proclaimed saviours of mankind are going to elect.
Very non committal, then again you and scep are trying to play at being politicians, so it’s to be expected.
Well I can guarentee it has effected everyone in the country, I just can’t specify how. If we never went to war then tax money would have been spent on other areas, road mantainance, hospitals, ect. If you use any service provided by the government then it would have been affected by this.
I’m not playing at being a politician, but I don’t see how that would be a negative thing if I was. If you don’t like our debate here, then don’t read it.
I wasn’t reading your debate, you bore the shyte out of me tbh . I noticed Pete had made a comment so decided to have a read as he is always to the point and often funny with it, but as usual you knew better. So wind your neck you aint the end all and be all of the boards.
Oh and for the record I don’t think the septics have effected my life either.
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