Arc, that’s precisely my point. iggy them. I don’t see the problem, apart from the fact that you don’t seem to like what I write, or my style. Sorry. You can join the queue – which now amounts to 3 or 4 people. I’ll live with it.
With so few people posting on these boards, don’t you ever wonder why such a high percentage of them have issues with you?
I know full well why plenty of people take issue with me, I can be an annoying tvvat at times and some might say crass, but I wont change for anyone. See that I admitted to what some people might call faults, we all have them, even you
Arc, I’m sure you’ll look a picture in a hairnet and rollers with wrinkled tights on
Scep ffs me Mam is in her eighties and still loves a laugh and joke as much as anyone. If you were in here house she would personally, physically throw your mardy arse the foook out with your outlook on life.
Did Mike Hook em??? What a disgrace to Britain! No wonder the Europeans are flabbergasted at the UK’s decision to put itself on the Royal Road to Bu**ery. The liars and brutal characters who sometimes appear on these boards (among a lot of good people) take their inspiration from these people.
I didn’t realise voting out would mean we all had to go to a bummery
Lol @ rough handling, you’re a pussycat you daft auld fart.
Word of warning chowa, watch out for Scep or he’ll be tring to get into your boxe……… errr knickers, that’s if he doesn’t insult you first and then say he didn’t realise it was insulting.
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