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  • #1037765

    Waking up even before the birds started to sing  :-(

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    Fell at the first in the National, got it back with interest today when it won the Scottish National :yahoo:  , me mate’s not a bad judge afterall .


    ha martin you cute little bunny can I pick you up and give you a carrot xx

    Speaking of double entendre  :-)


    why you going all benny hill/sid james double entendres reason? that died out in the 70s

    Cosy I could ask you why you come on here with your drama queen im leaving threads, frankly my dear I don’t give a flying foook what you do you jumped up knob. If you don’t like what I post then ignore it.


    Every year my plums tend to suffer from an infestation, any tips on how to stop me getting dodgy plums? I promise you I do have a plum tree :yes:

    Avoid suspect wimen !!! :yahoo:

    Come to think of it you might have a point there, the woman who serves in the local chippy often has a scratch before she gets me sausage.  :whistle:


    *Holds breath*


    Donald’s still demanding the Queens golden coach for his visit …… bloody queen that he is. :whistle:

    It’s coz he needs the headroom so he doesn’t ruffle his golden locks of course.  :yes:


    Every year my plums tend to suffer from an infestation, any tips on how to stop me getting dodgy plums?

    I promise you I do have a plum tree  :yes:

Viewing 10 posts - 111 through 120 (of 1,637 total)