@emmalush wrote:
A quarter of teenagers leave school with no exam passes above grade D, with working-class white boys most likely to do badly, according to a report on Friday.
A study by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, a social policy research group, found one in 20 pupils ends state education without a single GCSE.
Nearly half of all children leaving school with poor GCSE results are white boys, the study found.
They do worse than pupils from other ethnic groups once allowance is made for their different backgrounds.
Education, education, education :roll:
How about we stop spending millions on black and asian police, teacher and nurse associations, millions on foreign language interpreters, billions on politician expenses, billions on the illegal war, billions on EU membership, and use those BILLIONS to educate white boys?
WHY do you vote like zombies?
WHY dont you stand up and say, i am not going to take this crap anymore?
WHY dont you motivate yourself and empower yourself?
Its ok, we have ASBO’s, they teach our young right from wrong :roll:
NO!! YOU have to tell your politicians that you are not happy with their employment performances, YOU are the boss of this country, if ONLY you knew it.
STOP waiting for other people to do it for you, GET INVOLVED!!
YAWN. HOW BORING, HOW UNORIGINAL. Did you browse the internet looking for this topic because you cant think of anything else to post? :roll: