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  • #280666

    i’ve come to wish you an unhappy birthday


    @smiley wrote:

    @forumhostpb wrote:

    Do birds fart????

    Ever had a horrible foul smell whilst laying in bed next to your wife?

    If you have, the answer is yes. They do.

    They just like to pretend they don’t. Fact is, theirs are worse than the males!

    like you’d know


    @dead_on_arrvial wrote:

    You’re grasping at straws now to get on my nerves.

    Hmmmm get use to it!!!!

    For the rest of your life you will have people like me judging you.

    Has for my English, well I did do a B eng in Engineering, I did have to work full time while doing it, and my university did make sure I had A level maths and physic’s

    At the time they would not let you into university without them.

    The HNC in mechanic and electrical engineering I had at the time was not enough.

    How can people say they have the same degree level as me?

    So when these damn people say they have the same level of education has me after pasting a few college courses, I do take notice of them.

    The universities have gone from a place of learning, to a place of business.

    It’s simply a case of get them in, lower the pasts marks and push them out the door.

    And the funny thing is that “geordbird” can’t see it.

    “HAS” you being a tool forever


    @dead_on_arrvial wrote:

    So let me get this right?

    The only reason you “did it” was to make yourself feel better?

    You can call me “old school”, but I feel it would have been cheaper if you had just seen your “JP” and got some nice pills to make yourself feel better.

    I think your just part of the group of morons who feel that having a degree would make you and your life better?

    The reason you’re not happy or live in a nice house is that you need a degree?

    Face it; most of the 21 year old are laughing here heads off at you and with good reason.

    After all it’s not like you intend to find a job or get a career.

    Yet again the tax payer has been force to sub some single parent and her life style choices.

    Has for the rest of you, full time education should stop at 21, not 41.

    Any of you who feel that they need a 3 year rest at a 3rd rate school too, remember this most employers will not read your “CV’s” for the simple reason, you are too old and have no work history.

    even the longest journey begins with one small step

    she has a big advantage on younger applicants
    she has life experience i wouldnt look at where she got the degree
    i’m sure not many employers give a sh it barring oxford/cambridge
    geography dictates where any mature student does further education
    i personally applaud anyone that wants further development
    the fact she is a mother of two lovely kids makes it even more commendable it sets a good example for them
    education should be a right for anyone born on these isles irrespective of age
    better than housing future terrorists
    good for you GB and fu’ ck the begrudgers
    envy makes people cry


    why would you need a tu-tu for a psychology degree ?
    is it a ballet of wits!

    and well done you geordie bit ch


    @ubermik wrote:

    Signed and totally agreed with in principle

    I think cripple carriages as well as bicycles should HAVE to carry with them a test, be covered by insurance and have vehicular identification (registration plate of some description) and as much as I think the two should really be classed as pedestrians with wheels and ONLY stay on the path, IF they use the road they should also pay road tax for the privelidge of causing congestion

    almost lolled at that


    @ubermik wrote:

    And on the bright side, the building costs and day to day expenses for jailing successful suicide bombers will be almost nothing at all :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    people that commit suicide have my respect
    scum like you never will
    suicide terrorists, like you are scum


    White riot The Clash


    Bernard Manning will be remebered long after that
    toffee nosed nigger will be


    like the responsible chatguide who spends many hours a day and night glued to her pc screen feeling important. While god knows what is going on behind her.

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