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  • #287394

    not hard to work out anita is PB


    @sharongooner wrote:

    And quite rightly deleted by PB.

    accepted by pb as ok but deleteable


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    @sharongooner wrote:

    A full DNA match.

    Dont mean anything. Her DNA was all over everything she, her parents, her brothers and sisters ever touched

    As I understand this DNA match Sharon – it has now been DNA proved that the BLOOD found in the boot of the McCanns hire car was Maddies BLOOD – not hairs or skin cells etc etc but her blood.

    The McCanns hired this car weeks AFTER they reported to the world that she had been abducted by somebody from their apartment.

    It is stretching the bounds of incredulity to suggest that this blood somehow was deposited somewhere BEFORE she was allegedly abducted and several weeks later was somehow transferred from ….er …. something, into the BOOT of a hire car.

    I mean – come on, how gullible does one have to be to buy this as an excuse.

    dead bodies dont bleed
    you clearly dont bleed


    PB you will be proved wrong on this
    Bat your just a sun reader (scum)


    @ubermik wrote:

    @sharongooner wrote:

    I dont half feel sorry for the poor little twins. What an ordeal they have been through and are going to continue going through.

    Yeah, that seems to have been pretty much overlooked hasnt it :cry:

    The poor little mites, fancy being born into the Mcann household, what an ordeal :lol: :lol:

    But at least they will be guaranteed a good nights sleep everynight now they know what the punishment is for not going instantly to sleep so mummy and daddy can paaaaaaartaay! :lol:

    thats the level PB and his moderators accept and encourage


    @johnboy25 wrote:

    Also, R.O.T.T. – I think it’s quite funny that you’re being critical of those who make light of a bad situation and how we’re heaping further misery on the poor McCann’s (though I reckon they’ve got bigger fish to fry) but then turn round and wish bad fortune.

    How dare you be so callous? :lol: Or are you just a hypocrit?

    nothing ambiguous about me
    your a piece of sh it


    you can lie to anyone
    except yourself
    you deserve those dark hours that is your tragedy


    mans blind indifference.
    To all those that have heaped further misery onto a couple that have just lost a child
    i truly wish for the rest of your lives you are plagued by 3 a.m thoughts .
    those that have laughed and joked about bodies being brought back in a suitcase
    i wish you all the worst


    the death of a child is hilarious


    V out of V
    V to all of you

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