Yup .. Saturday 13th October on ITV 1 – kick off is at 8.00pm UK time.
Effing French barstewards. On Friday 13th October 1307 King Philippe of France arranged to have murdered the Knights Templar – a day that has gone down in infamy.
We shall avenge these noble Templars (who were the forerunners of the Freemasons BTW) by shafting the Frogs good & proper. Rule Brittania and Merde aux Francais
Whoopee feckin doo :roll: I couldn’t care less who wins what, I’ll just be glad when it’s over. And also, Rule Brittania suggests that all of britian is behind england. I’m not, we had a training day at work with a very sexy blonde french woman with a sexy accent so I’ve nothing against them :D We Scots have done enough to them recently….