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  • #306999

    @colkaz wrote:

    How come the vege brigade wont eat beef but will quite happily eat fish.
    I suppose now there is going to be a link with lesbians and the smell of fish to bring the debate back on course!

    meat is murder
    fish included you p’rick


    common people smoke


    Not one of you boring bas tards would be welcome in leeds
    stay wherever the f uck it is you reside


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    Meanwhile the pointless hunt for Maddie continues and more and more money is drained from the McCann’s substantial fund to pay for all the professional helpers.

    it will never be pointless to hope a child is still alive


    Heifer whines could be human cries
    Closer comes the screaming knife
    This beautiful creature must die
    This beautiful creature must die
    A death for no reason
    And death for no reason is MURDER

    And the flesh you so fancifully fry
    Is not succulent, tasty or kind
    It’s death for no reason
    And death for no reason is MURDER

    And the calf that you carve with a smile
    And the turkey you festively slice
    Do you know how animals die ?

    Kitchen aromas aren’t very homely
    It’s not “comforting”, cheery or kind
    It’s sizzling blood and the unholy stench

    It’s not “natural”, “normal” or kind
    The flesh you so fancifully fry
    The meat in your mouth
    As you savour the flavour

    Oh … and who hears when animals cry ?


    @matty wrote:

    croatia lost too.. even if russia did win, england would have still been in it..

    no they wouldnt


    commie b as tards


    i can cure your limpness


    the police officer is right
    things happen , i’m sure the scooter driver is hardly laughing
    would it make you feel better if he or she was imprisoned
    i doubt it was a deliberate act
    move on and remember the good times stop being a victim


    @out-and-about wrote:

    And read mine about one voice in thousands… don’t let your hatred for U2 shroud the importance of the death and carnage that has happened over many centuries in Ireland. The recent troubles were not Bono orientated or finalised. I’m sure he feels much importance in his own breakfast time, but there are far more influential people that have started, progressed and ended this sorry chapter in the island of Irelands history.

    There will be peace, in my own opinion, there will be lasting peace, in my opinion, and it will come along in two generations time, when hatred has been eradicated from the children that grew up with the everyday horrors they faced in the six counties, far away from Dublin and the likes of Bono, and his status now, which affords him no idea of the working class people of Northern Ireland.

    It’s very easy to bleat from a millionarres mansion in Los Angeles, but more fool the people that take notice.

    i have no problem with u2 as an entity
    bono is a self satisfied p rick
    there will never be peace in the world
    man will always find a reason too hate his fellow man

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