@sharongooner wrote:
@r.O.T.T wrote:
certain people pretend
certain people should know better
Why in this crazy world, do unhappy people pretend they’re happy, and laugh at anyone that’s not?
I’m not attacking content and happy people! I’m just criticizing the ones who put on masks, and adhere to the social norm that is “smiling and pretending”, when this world is filled with problems. People seem to judge you at face value, and if you seem crazy, not there or different, they judge you and what not.
People seem to value conformity, and if you ever seem a bit different, even if you’re highly intelligent or a millionaire, you’re automatically put down because you’re different.
People would rather be smiley happy people next door with a shiny face and a shiny life. God forbid they look even remotely out of it, then it’s time to seek therapy and find out what’s wrong.
Why has being negative or different been labeled as wrong in our society?
What irritates me is that when I’m in a bad mood, people have to laugh, or think i’m crazy or in need of therapy. WHen simply, I could have just had a flat tire, or something insignificant happen to me.
Posted By Luke on another site wayawayfromhere :lol:
is luke saying i’m a miserable b.astard