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9 June, 2009 at 4:33 am #398915
I predict that by noon today James Purnell will have challenged Gorgon Brown for the leadership. (I should add I always get these things wrong)
9 June, 2009 at 4:30 am #398844@melody wrote:
The ppl who voted BNP probably don’t realise the true implications of their vote… UKIP would have been a better option surely?
That said… Everyone who slated the labour government seem to have been fast to forget the state the Tories left the country in the last time around…
I was a child of the Thatcher era, and that woman did as much damage to the economy in the 80s as any labour government that has followed..
I grew up eating mince, burgers and sausages coz of her… in a time when CJD was rife… Yes am a mad cow!! And the bi tch stole my free school milk!!! How very rude!
If you were a child of the 70’s then you would know why Thatcher came about. Rampant inflation, strikes ans union abuse of power, a wrecked economy, the dead unburied in Liverpool because of a strike, the chancellor having to go to the IMF with a begging bowl in his hands because Britain was broke. (That’s why you lost your milk, Thatcher had to pay off the debt)
Oddly enough caused by Labour.
In fact if you go back through the years, the economy has always been left in a shambles by a Labour government.
8 June, 2009 at 7:00 pm #398760@will wrote:
is d day world war 2?
](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,)
What are they teaching people in school today?
Whatever happened to Education educashun, eddukaton?
8 June, 2009 at 6:57 pm #398840@bassingbourne55 wrote:
The BNP have gained not by increasing their vote but by the collapse in the Labour vote.
Those who used the BNP for a protest vote this time round will probably not vote BNP again.
Firstly there was a much lower turnout from 2.122m to 1.651m so everyone got fewer votes than last time. The fact of the matter is that the BNP share of the vote went UP from 6.4% to 8%. That’s why they got in.
Secondly, the BNP in the North West, got a higher proportion of the vote than Labour did in the South West.
God knows I wouldn’t vote for them if they were the only party on the ballot paper but if you dismiss them and demonise them, not only are you ignoring their growing popularity but you are completely missing the point as to WHY they are growing in popularity.
There are a growing number of white, mainly working class people who perceive immigration as a problem and can see that every minority group has someone set up by the Government to help them but that they do not. Where do the poorer, less well educated, perhaps English language poor end up in this country? In what were previously predominantly white working class areas. And when these white working class people begin to grumble as they see this immigration centre open up or that immigration initiative announced when they seem to be getting nothing, what happens? The Government, the big political parties shout them down. Refuse to listen to them. So what happens? They turn to someone who does seem to be listening to them.
I’ve heard politicians on the TV and all they say about the BNP is that they are a racist party who won’t let non-whites join and want to introduce repatriation (which is the truth, of course). They say it over and over again. No-one listening could be in any doubt. But then they say that people voting for them don’t realise this!!!! I suspect that for many people this is the ONLY thing that they know about them. And still they vote for them.
Also I can see no event on the horizon which tells me that at the next general election the Labour vote will have recovered.
Like it or not, the existence of the BNP is a direct result of ALL the main parties not grasping the immigration nettle. Worse, they have actively discouraged debate on the subject.
Remember the last election but one where there was an attempt to actually BAN immigration as a subject for election discussion?
I hold no candle for Labour or the Tories. As far as I’m concerned, they have consistently lied to us for years about immigration AND Europe. The expenses business has revealed that virtually all MPs of both parties don’t give a toss for anything except enjoying an extravagant lifestyle at our expense.
But – they’re they ones who’ve been in power for the decades that have seen a catastrophic decline in our country. They have to go – the lot of them. With only a tiny number of exceptions, all MPs in this current Parliament have either been guilty of fraud, embezzlement and theft themselves – or have been aware of it and done nothing.
The idea that this Parliament can reform itself, let alone continue to govern us, is ludicrous!
The public know this, hence the rise of the BNP
8 June, 2009 at 6:57 am #398837This is a direct result of Labour policies over the last 12 years, before they came to power the BNP didn’t even have a single councillor, never mind MEP’s.
Labour have systematically harassed, bullied, controlled and infuriated the entire population of the UK. Their policies are ill-thought-out nonsense. They have put MPs above those laws. They have sneered at us. They have looked down on us. They have treated us as if we were idiots. And now look. As a direct result of what they have done, the BNP have 2 seats in the European Parliament. Why do you think this happened? It’s not the fault of a deluded electorate who are all racists. It’s the fault of political correctness, bannings, stealth taxes, lies and spin, control freakery, nannying, crazed legislation that is so vague that anyone can be locked up for anything now.
This is why the BNP have done well, this is the result of politicians putting their own and their parties interests above those of the electorate.
5 June, 2009 at 6:53 am #398617Looks like they’re getting wiped out in the local elections. :lol:
23 May, 2009 at 3:26 am #394855@ddb wrote:
didn’t even notice the wallpaper or furniture
It’s not bad as these styles go, however it was difficult to tell properly as there were these women in the way blocking your view :wink:
22 May, 2009 at 6:33 pm #397399@pete wrote:
Whats he got to fear ? There was a mistake… tell you what lets scrap all databases and if some rapists or paedophiles get off thats much better than someone being treated civilly down the local nick
So it’s ok for the police to keep innocent peoples DNA on databases then……………….just in case?
The mistake was that he was on a database and they didn’t check it leading him to now be on a completely different database one that he should not be on but can’t get off, ever.
Ian huntley was on a database of offenders, oddly enough that was missed too.
20 May, 2009 at 5:20 am #396891@caramouche wrote:
Yeah great, so we dissolve parliament and elect some new mp’s, most of whom are currently involved in fiddling their expenses at the tax payers expense……and the point of that would be?……..
Sacking the speaker of the house aint going to change anything either, its just ‘ Lets find a scapegoat’ time!….. :x
I’ve been of the opinion for a while that an example is in order, there are only 9 politicians in that entire trough who haven’t claimed for anything, the rest should be strung up from lampposts as an example for the next lot elected, something to focus their minds on the job and not the perks. :wink:
18 May, 2009 at 7:25 pm #396888
David Cameron has this afternoon launched a petition to dissolve parliament and call a general election.
This may be the first and only time you venture onto the Conservative Party Web site – but whatever your politics, if you feel it’s time for change then click on the link above and sign the petition.
We, the undersigned, believe that the best way to sort out the problems facing Britain and to restore trust in our political system is for a dissolution of Parliament and a general election so that people can pass their verdict on MPs’ behaviour at the ballot box.