PATS was to thick to do any thing so fasty allways ran it on his own
remember last year the chat room broke and she had to wait till he got back of holidays so he could sort it out
a few months ago they fell out about money
she didnt want to pay for the chat room
so i think the bottom line is pats had her benifits cut so couldnt pay her share and fasty couldnt afford it on his own
lol there is that as well….Fast could easily afford it though
Now sober – I thought the exact same thing…Maybe abit of time out is needed, he loved that site. guess thats why I was bewildered has to why it closed..
Its alot to do for one person…Guess time will tell
now ya gone and done it pip. ! you and yer indigestion and usage of the C word !
get some Milk O magnesia in you ..cvnt !
p.s love you too . logging orf but I luvs ya more….and yep i have Gaviscon..speak soon me darling…god! here me saying, i aint gonna chat on here…..oh well keeps the T drinkers amused 8) PlAYING t DRINKERS O:)