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  • #299640

    Still no snow!!! Iv just took my dog around the block… OMG I dont think Iv ever been sooo cold… Heating full up.. and Im sitting here typing with me “Mittens” on!!! :(


    @rubyred wrote:

    me too,woke up to a total white over..

    Nothing ere yet!! in good ol essex!!! But the
    sky is looking very yellow………. Frezzing though!! :roll:


    @rubyred wrote:

    pats is bored with my pics of my son by noo….

    happy shopper sharon,,how VERY dare you ! Nothing but the finest puree for MY auld clit !

    :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: …….. :lol:


    @*GG* wrote:

    Here BM…

    The real JB and MM! with sauce in hand, just as you requested.
    This is a genuine pic and I was the photographer. :wink:
    Case closed! evidence in hand (quite literally) 8)



    @*Dawny* wrote:

    Ive an appointment on the 8th at this place
    Taint far from me and atleast I dont need to drive over an hour to get treatement like I been doing all this time.
    The lady mentioned this craniel thingy and also a food allergy test, unfortunatly it aint cheap, but we gotta do what we gotta do

    My GP has refered me to the chronic pain clinic, but there is a waiting list, which she is trying to get me pushed in a bit quick as I aint allowed pain killers anymore

    Would just like 1 day, just 1 day without this pain!

    I bet!! Its
    discusting you have to pay!! Grrrrr Betta not start on that, I will end up getting into
    a politics argument.. Lets just hope they get it sorted toot sweet!! God I remember the pain
    I had was bad enough, but at least i could take painkillers… hopefully be sorted for you
    soon…. :cry:


    Sounds like you have had all the tests.. Dawny.. wonder if your alergic.. to something
    your eating .. Bad though its been going on for all this time, and they dont know what it is.
    Like you say though at least its nothing serious, dosent help, when you still have the pain though.. :cry:


    @rubyred wrote:

    of ffs dont get PiP started,,she has lost her rag already today LOL teach her to swear and the air will be fvcking blue !

    hehe,sorry PiP x

    lol!! I love reading your comments.. you do make me laugh!! :lol:


    @*Dawny* wrote:

    @*Dawny* wrote:

    Lol I know :lol: :lol:

    I learnt how to do it the other day :lol:


    Oh and I will add, I been here 4/5 years now and I only just learnt to do that :oops:

    too be honest.. I dont like swearing at people
    I dont even know, im not proud of it at all.. But im sure I will get the jist of it on here… Dawny do you wear glasses, I know you have probably had all the tests.. but im still thinking about it.


    @*Dawny* wrote:

    Mmmmmmm I like hot chocolate :D

    Lol!! I put Sh*t.. It came out hot chocalate.. :lol:


    @Miss Minx wrote:

    @prettypink wrote:

    I was asked a question… so Iv replyed !! and I have been
    all over the boards, but you tend to be on every F**king thread!!! Calm your self down!

    I’m not on every thread, and even if I was so what? Its a message board and I am allowed to post wherever and whatever I want. Just like you lot are having a conversation now as boring as it may be to me, I am not passing any judgement.

    Think your the one who needs to calm down. Your the one with the problem.

    You just dont give up do ya.. ok whatever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im too old for all this shit…

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