Pebbles replied to the topic chinese tattoos in the board Off topic chat 17 years ago
@prettypink wrote:
Iv got one. Its not chinese writing though. Its a tiny shooting star on my back… stupid really, dont get too see it, but had it done about 10 years ago! :roll:
star tattoos are all the rage now Pip, flash it about its back in fashion! 8)
sharongooner replied to the topic What made u smile today………..again!!!!!!!!!!!!! in the board Tests, quizzes and games 17 years ago
@prettypink wrote:
@sharongooner wrote:
Thats the one Heather… brill actress. Going on about having her lipo and nose job lol, oh… and her undying love for George Michael.
Her and Shirley have really livened the show up. 8)
Oh Sharon… she was on GMTV this morning, hair straightned, all dreesed up…. but still very funny! reckon she`l
go far… -
Rainbowbrite replied to the topic okay… in the board Off topic chat 17 years ago
@prettypink wrote:
She`s still here, but in another name, and is behaving her/himself at the moment. :roll:
Ding dong…excuse me!
There is only one Rainny…and thats lil ol moi thanks…. there will be no imitations…cheap ones at that, anymore.
That’s that!
Terry replied to the topic okay… in the board Off topic chat 17 years ago
@prettypink wrote:
@Terry wrote:
@prettypink wrote:
She`s still here, but in another name, and is behaving her/himself at the moment. :roll:
What’s that supposed to mean??
It means, she is still here, but in another name!!
Are you saying that she is using ANOTHER name?!? Is that possible??
prettypink replied to the topic okay… in the board Off topic chat 17 years ago
@Terry wrote:
@prettypink wrote:
She`s still here, but in another name, and is behaving her/himself at the moment. :roll:
What’s that supposed to mean??
It means, she is still here, but in another name!!
Terry replied to the topic okay… in the board Off topic chat 17 years ago
@prettypink wrote:
She`s still here, but in another name, and is behaving her/himself at the moment. :roll:
What’s that supposed to mean??
prettypink replied to the topic Lack of FREEDOM in the board Polls 17 years ago
@emmalush wrote:
@prettypink wrote:
DONT LOOK..Dawny!! it`l be gruesome!
And it is, but Dawny thinks islam is good and peacefull because she only see’s the things about it that she would deem normal. She asked me to open my mind, care to practice what you preach and watch the blood running down a baby’s forehead whilst in tears?
Wishing it didn’t…
emmalush replied to the topic Lack of FREEDOM in the board Polls 17 years ago
@prettypink wrote:
DONT LOOK..Dawny!! it`l be gruesome!
And it is, but Dawny thinks islam is good and peacefull because she only see’s the things about it that she would deem normal. She asked me to open my mind, care to practice what you preach and watch the blood running down a baby’s forehead whilst in tears?
Wishing it didn’t exist wont make…[Read more]
rubyred replied to the topic What made u smile today………..again!!!!!!!!!!!!! in the board Tests, quizzes and games 17 years ago
@prettypink wrote:
@rubyred wrote:
@prettypink wrote:
@rubyred wrote:
pebbles ? I thought i was Prettypink?
lol! I thought I was Rubyred? oooooooooooo Im so confused now..WHO AM I!!!!!!!!! #-o
stop following me other user name ..im getting bored answering in another typing style wiv an essex accent :)
lol! Just got in.. Ock Eye the noooooooooo!!! And…
prettypink replied to the topic What made u smile today………..again!!!!!!!!!!!!! in the board Tests, quizzes and games 17 years ago
@rubyred wrote:
@prettypink wrote:
@rubyred wrote:
pebbles ? I thought i was Prettypink?
lol! I thought I was Rubyred? oooooooooooo Im so confused now..WHO AM I!!!!!!!!! #-o
stop following me other user name ..im getting bored answering in another typing style wiv an essex accent :)
lol! Just got in.. Ock Eye the noooooooooo!!! And its a brall…[Read more]
Lucky replied to the topic a birthday wish for a modest friend. in the board Off topic chat 17 years, 1 month ago
@prettypink wrote:
@Rainny* wrote:
*cough* who would want you
Fu*ck off Simpleton… you will never win on ere!! Take note!! everyone knows who you are, everytime you post, and
it dosent matter who you say you are, we know!! beleive me….. :roll:should have added that we dont give a fook either! :wink:
prettypink replied to the topic Anne Frank: The Whole Story in the board Off topic chat 17 years, 1 month ago
@ROBBO wrote:
@prettypink wrote:
@prettypink wrote:
Oh thanks I loved that film…Very Sad though!
jeeeez very
moving!! :(When she looks up at the end is the bit where her sister was dead in her arms…very deep. She was only 15 when she died. Crazy.
yep very sad! Tragic to have lived in them days.. :( :(
ROBBO replied to the topic Anne Frank: The Whole Story in the board Off topic chat 17 years, 1 month ago
@prettypink wrote:
@prettypink wrote:
Oh thanks I loved that film…Very Sad though!
jeeeez very
moving!! :(When she looks up at the end is the bit where her sister was dead in her arms…very deep. She was only 15 when she died. Crazy.
prettypink replied to the topic Anne Frank: The Whole Story in the board Off topic chat 17 years, 1 month ago
prettypink replied to the topic Lack of FREEDOM in the board Polls 17 years, 1 month ago
@emmalush wrote:
@prettypink wrote:
All this is going to going on , long after we are gone. Im pleased you
stand up for what you beleive in, and in somethings you say I agree with, but your
going to have to get half the country on your side,if not more!! before anything
is ever going to be done about it. They are all as bad as one another! but Good… -
emmalush replied to the topic Lack of FREEDOM in the board Polls 17 years, 1 month ago
@prettypink wrote:
All this is going to going on , long after we are gone. Im pleased you
stand up for what you beleive in, and in somethings you say I agree with, but your
going to have to get half the country on your side,if not more!! before anything
is ever going to be done about it. They are all as bad as one another! but Good luck
with what… -
emmalush replied to the topic Lack of FREEDOM in the board Polls 17 years, 1 month ago
@prettypink wrote:
Gawd!!! Whats the point , your never going to beable to change this.. Just
Try and enjoy life and forget about all this… :roll:Why not?
Should we just give in?
Thats what they want you to do, they try to organise society so you think that way, voter apathy ring a bell? They use our taxes to workout how best to achieve…[Read more]
rubyred replied to the topic hey shazza in the board Off topic chat 17 years, 1 month ago
@prettypink wrote:
@rubyred wrote:
and i see its the final of big brother tonight,,did anyone actually follow it ? I gave up after the 3rd episode,as it was like watching ” clones”.
Hi Rubes.. just been hanging me washing out! I only watched the first week and I struggled with that.. so
I havent been watching, or even reading the blogs on it.. But… -
prettypink replied to the topic Leeds meet v netty swackers aka reason in the board Chat forum three boards 17 years, 1 month ago
@rubyred wrote:
@prettypink wrote:
@PATS wrote:
@sharongooner wrote:
@PATS wrote:
if i was ever stoopid enuff to go to a meet it wud be under sunnys rules.where we all kick fook outta each other.end up in casualty then the cells .therefore i’d invite
feel free to… -
prettypink replied to the topic finally ;) in the board Chat forum three boards 17 years, 1 month ago
@prettypink wrote:
@~Pebbles~ wrote:
what do you mean finally??? we’ve seen it 3 times already! :shock:
I think shes means, putting it in as an Aveator
I mean Avatar… #-o
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