• *faints*

    11th wooooohooooohoooooooo :shock: :shock: :shock: :D/ :D/ :D/ And im not even gonna demand a recount :-# :-# :- :-

    *smiles @poet* :lol: :wink: queries wilma :shock: (shes getting good at the copying lmao) :lol: :lol:

    Well done everyone =D> =D> =D> =D>

    Thanks PP1 x x x

  • Bat replied to the topic me new keyboard in the board Technical Q&A 18 years, 7 months ago

    @Poet wrote:

    Did you uninstall the wireless one Bat before you added the new keyboard?

    No poet I didnt because in the instructions, which were obviously written in tawian, it just says turn on your pc and plug your keyboard in. It says nowt about uninstalling anything else first. I,ll uninstall the drivers for it and then turn pooter off and…[Read more]

  • @Poet wrote:

    Hello Gyps 8) I’m doing ok thanks, hope you and Sideshow Jack are keeping well and having fun. Fingers crossed for Pompey, I hope they manage to stay up.

    Did you mean kateee or kate in your original post? I don’t know a Kate, but spoke to kateee last Thursday and she’s doing ok, her puter’s got a few problems tho’ so she’s not…

    [Read more]