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  • #1124528

    Is Kay still under the weather then?

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    GE always has been a díck.  Why did your mrs leave you hahaah and why have your kids rejected you?   GE can’t get laid if his life depended on it that sad old pensioner ahaha what a joke he is.


    “Please meet me in Bolton for a coffee Badder please please please” ! non-stop for months sad fker ! No woman ever has anything to do with you hahaha.


    Even Kenty would not fk u GE, and face it she has been through most guys on JC like a dose of salts lol  :yahoo:   :yahoo:   :yahoo:

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by  Pixie.

    get a proper bike Ge you old fat git and pay some child support lol


    who is the biggest t1t Ge or aids raids ridden kenty fat árse ho ?


    Nowt wrong with gays either, Paige you nasty piece of old, trodden on, mis-shapen triangular cheese! :negative:

    1 member liked this post.

    Well that is no surprise, now is it?!




    Thanx will
    he is so sweeeeeeet :D :wink:


    Having perused the boards I must declare that the most talented creature inhabiting these clammy corridors is indeed the little wiggly rabbit.

    He is a shy little chap, only appearing randomly at the end of certain peeps sentences.

    This rare talented little fellow does indeed wiggle with confidence.

    I hope to see more of him, but shall carry on my sunbathing for now, in my pink and black bunny girl bikini 8)

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