Pixel replied to the topic Netiquette in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years, 8 months ago
Facebook is the spawn of evil and I refuse to have it despite being begged endlessly by friends. Mostly for the reasons Jen highlighted, it has its uses but I much prefer picking up the phone and calling a friend or meeting them. It suits some people, just not me I’m afraid.
Pixel replied to the topic Chat Names in the board Chat forum three boards 14 years, 4 months ago
Pixel replied to the topic Chat Names in the board Chat forum three boards 14 years, 4 months ago
Because I’m just a Pixel on a screen.
Pixel replied to the topic AINT LIFE GREAT in the board Chat forum three boards 14 years, 4 months ago
@cath 55 wrote:
@cosy.m wrote:
is it really nem?
what do you base that on
my lifes a bag of shyte
xpects usual reply from you know who?im sure if you look hard enough cosy your life isnt so bad hun, life throws us all a curved ball from time to time, the trick is to throw it back and live your life, we could only be here once xxxxx
I really like…[Read more]
Pixel replied to the topic scarlet fever in the board Getting serious 14 years, 4 months ago
Hope he recovers soon xxxx
Pixel replied to the topic *Terror * in the board Getting serious 14 years, 4 months ago
Not forgetting the vast numbers of civilians killed so far by this “War on Terror”. Saddam Hussain was a ruthless leader. It doesn’t give anyone else the right to enter the country and inflict the same on Iraqi people just trying to live their lives. The documentation on WikiLeak sums up the disregard for human life and those who are caught up in…[Read more]
Pixel replied to the topic Eternal Life :p in the board Getting serious 14 years, 4 months ago
@rubyred wrote:
eeeek I have this argument everytime someone belittles haggis :) Beacuse I am Scottish, folks assume its my Staple diet. I always ask ” do you eat at macdonalds”? least we know whats in haggis. !
Amazing how people will readily eat processed food with no real clue how it was made or what is contained, but show them a haggis…[Read more]
Pixel replied to the topic Eternal Life :p in the board Getting serious 14 years, 4 months ago
Chicken McNuggets®:
White boneless chicken, water, food starch-modified, salt, chicken flavor (autolyzed yeast extract, salt, wheat starch, natural flavoring (botanical source), safflower oil, dextrose, citric acid, rosemary), sodium phosphates, seasoning (canola oil, mono- and diglycerides, natural extractives of rosemary). Battered and breaded…[Read more]
Pixel replied to the topic stephi has passed away in the board Chat forum three boards 14 years, 5 months ago
@minim wrote:
@Annette-Curtain wrote:
Sometimes i wonder why i even look at the boards , the Nastiness , and cruel things that people post , especially in this kind of thread shocks me to the core .
And, i am stunned that Pixel’s posts have not been removed.
I second that. Her point has been made, and yet the picture of a premature baby remains…
Pixel replied to the topic stephi has passed away in the board Chat forum three boards 14 years, 5 months ago
I agree that this thread should remain, not only to serve as a reminder that deception is very easy, we are all human and we take things at face value. We believe what we are told, we form friendships that come to mean as much to us online as in real life, and with those friendships, whether online or offline, sometimes lies are told. None of us…[Read more]
Pixel replied to the topic stephi has passed away in the board Chat forum three boards 14 years, 5 months ago
They HAVE a right to know that people on this thread believed their child was the child of someone else who has woven such an elaborate web of lies to people she called a friend. You DONT do that to friends. NO ONE has a right to steal other peoples pictures of their children and pass them off as their own.
Everyone was sending their thoughts and…[Read more]
Pixel replied to the topic stephi has passed away in the board Chat forum three boards 14 years, 5 months ago
I didn’t post until I was sure she was still lying. Why can’t you get that through your heads. You didn’t answer my question either? Have you spoken to Mark on the fone yet?
Oh and this account wasnt verified for a while as they all go through admin approval now.
I never registered intending to target Stephi, because as far as I am concerned, she…[Read more] -
Pixel replied to the topic stephi has passed away in the board Chat forum three boards 14 years, 5 months ago
@Stephi wrote:
This is MARK.. for Pixel and any1 else who wishes to be a part of this whole sordid mess……. Yes i am usuing Stephs account as i do not have 1 of my own…..Pixel you are 1 sad person if you have nothing better to do that check IP addresses… how sad is that….. the picture you have i have no idea as to where you got it from…
Pixel replied to the topic stephi has passed away in the board Chat forum three boards 14 years, 5 months ago
LMFAO I’m evil??? shes still posting on another site you bunch of loons :lol:
Pixel replied to the topic stephi has passed away in the board Chat forum three boards 14 years, 5 months ago
I must say, I am very disappointed in the lack of forthcoming information. Okay, I said there was evidence. This friend of yours, all had you mourning the loss of baby Rohan.
That baby in the picture isn’t her baby and never was, she googled it. How do I know? Because I found an almost identical picture of the baby she claimed on a website. The…[Read more]
Pixel replied to the topic stephi has passed away in the board Chat forum three boards 14 years, 5 months ago
@tintin wrote:
@Pixel wrote:
Has anyone spoken to the husband over the telephone? Are you able to contact him? Send flowers as a condolence? If so, I apologise. But what I said was true……
Yes actually Pixel I and others are in touch with Mark and I have passed on me messages. And it doesn’t matter if what you claim is true, if all you can do…
Pixel replied to the topic stephi has passed away in the board Chat forum three boards 14 years, 5 months ago
Has anyone spoken to the husband over the telephone? Are you able to contact him? Send flowers as a condolence? If so, I apologise. But what I said was true, It happened. Did any of you check she was actually in hospital? Perhaps you can contact the hospital and just ask if you can donate to the cancer unit, giving your friends name. Perhaps. I…[Read more]
Pixel replied to the topic stephi has passed away in the board Chat forum three boards 14 years, 5 months ago
Is this the same *husband* that went into another chatsite she was a member of to tell them the news that she had lost her second child. Only for the *husband* to leave and re-enter the chatroom on the identical IP, in a different name and make out they were new, and then asked if someone had died. Amazing mystical powers this *husband*…[Read more]