Forum Replies Created
22 December, 2005 at 9:44 pm #108295
@*Sian* wrote:
@pinty{f} wrote:
@jmc wrote:
You go for it Sian
I dont think these two like you upstaging them and taking the lime light away from em lol.
Be careful the old liar may just give out on yah get a pacemaker ready. Has a good hearty chuckle at your posts.
Well done for posting the picture too .
pmslll how come im not surprised the honey monster stuck up 4 u lmfaoooooo hes prob perved ya as well :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
sorry honey monster thats an insult to you least your quite cute :D
Feck me how can you call any fooker the honey monster looking like that LMAOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooo Oh and you can’t help trampling on people to try to get at me, I pity you but funny all the same.
Lucks I’ll save it forever my ikkle rose bud :lol: :lol: mwahh mwahh
pmslll sian no dear not trying to get at you at all…after all dont know you from adam as you dont know me only from what youve heard from other ppl… but then again those ppl are also lying bout me as ive been told by there “so called friends” thank god for holding conversations thats all i can say as the person that has said stuff about me has been proved shes the liar not me…. end of the day im happy and dont give a shit what you think…ill be having a good xmas and an even better new year.. so think what like as your the one that likes to show off you sad t wa t!
22 December, 2005 at 8:51 pm #108294:shock: :shock: STALKER ALERT STALKER ALERT!!!!!!!
22 December, 2005 at 8:36 pm #108292@jmc wrote:
You go for it Sian
I dont think these two like you upstaging them and taking the lime light away from em lol.
Be careful the old liar may just give out on yah get a pacemaker ready. Has a good hearty chuckle at your posts.
Well done for posting the picture too .
pmslll how come im not surprised the honey monster stuck up 4 u lmfaoooooo hes prob perved ya as well :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
sorry honey monster thats an insult to you least your quite cute :D
22 December, 2005 at 8:16 pm #117992a lovely pm from Oss ty sweety mwaaaaaaaaah ;)xxxxxx
and a few txts from GG ty hunny be in touch soon mwaaaaaaaah xxx;) xxxx
21 December, 2005 at 7:01 pm #108289:roll: :roll: yawn !!!!!
20 December, 2005 at 10:08 pm #108281@cordy wrote:
I would like to give a rose to,
Jojo, she deserves it.
Pinty :wink:
Me Ikkle Oldie,
And one for me, just ‘cos :Daww ty cordy lol …..give you a whole bunch and you know why :wink: xx
20 December, 2005 at 9:43 pm #108279@*Sian* wrote:
@pinty{f} wrote:
mwahh right back @ ya angel hun ty :wink: it wasnt actually posted on this thread hun was posted on what ya doing right now thread but bj girl thought she would be a smart a ** and post it here for god knows what reason … but hey gets her posts up dont it pmslll :roll: xxxx
:lol: :lol: I love the new name, I take it you’ve never given head in your 42 years of life :lol: :lol: Oh and please don’t come out with the yeah but not posted it on a msg board to see, lets face it you love going behind closed doors so to speak or is that backs :lol: :lol: *wonders if the warm sheets in leicester have been washed yet* :- :lol:
for your information…. i did not go behind anyones back….he and i were both single and have done nothing wrong!!…as for the “warm sheets c rap sian ” grow up!!
20 December, 2005 at 7:07 pm #36801nothing at all still happy… only 1 week till im in leicester woohooo :wink: :wink: :lol:
20 December, 2005 at 7:04 pm #117953A lovely christmas present from one of the children in my nursery :D
and a member of staff made me smile with a spelling mistake….bless :roll: he
and err accidently texting my mans home phone instead of his mobile lol…thank god it wasnt rude lol …his mum heard it hehehe :oops:
20 December, 2005 at 6:41 pm #178316Heart breaker :oops:
You’re a true romantic, but a devil at heart. When you have your eye on something, or some one, there is no turning back. You love receiving flowers, taking moon light walks and spending quality smooching time with your man. You’re smooth, soft and comforting on the outside, but inside a fire is burning with hot red passion. When you let your hair down you really let go – you’re cheeky, sexy, flirtatious, and oh so naughty.