:twisted: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evilWHERE DO I F ******G START…..SOMEOME REALLY P ISSING ME OFF IN MSN AND TRYING TO DENY IT :evil: :evil: WHEN I HAVE PROOF!!!! :evil: :evil: TRIED TO SORT IT OUT AND WAS TOO CHILDISH TO EVEN DISCUSS IT LEFT CONVO AND HUNG PHONE UP :evil: :evil: :evil: BUT NOW I KNOW THEM FOR WHAT THEY REALLY ARE A 2 FACED JEALOUS COW!!! :twisted: :twisted:
ok rant over hehehehe :lol: :roll:
im sorry hun but i just wanted ur toys i promise not to be jealous anymore pmslllllllllllllll mooooooooooooooooooooooo
pmslll angel hunny you know fine it wasnt you…as for me toys the delivery came earlier woohoooo :wink:
for those who dont normally see me in that kinda mood i was in this morning its not a habit ..believe me …im absolutely fine now just needed to get it off me chest and it worked lol ….(no comments on me chest angel lol :lol: ) loves ya mwahh xx
:twisted: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evilWHERE DO I F ******G START…..SOMEOME REALLY P ISSING ME OFF IN MSN AND TRYING TO DENY IT :evil: :evil: WHEN I HAVE PROOF!!!! :evil: :evil: TRIED TO SORT IT OUT AND WAS TOO CHILDISH TO EVEN DISCUSS IT LEFT CONVO AND HUNG PHONE UP :evil: :evil: :evil: BUT NOW I KNOW THEM FOR WHAT THEY REALLY ARE A 2 FACED JEALOUS COW!!! :twisted: :twisted:
awww pinty i hope you wont have to much longer to wait and that it will be good news xxx
:D just to let you know hes fine … after a very long day waiting for news he got in contact with me last night…id like to thank pete for everything you did hunny…your a good friend and it was very much appreciated ill explain where he was in msn ty again mwahhh xx
ty again oss n tempts for your kind words…if i hear anything ill let yous know….so sorry to hear bout your break in tempts ….hope they get the rats!! xxx
ty tempts hun and you oss…..i dont know thats the thing…only got a message last night tosay he had been rushed to hossy…havent heard anything since…noones contacted me yet im worried sick!!