Forum Replies Created
18 December, 2005 at 2:08 pm #177713
no dear you know fine well who im talking about and yes i know he would mind if i posted it…. or have you done it to several men you cant remeber which one it is tut at you sian :roll:
18 December, 2005 at 1:57 pm #177711lmaooo sian …. i work full time dear so dont spend endless hours on here….. even though i do use 1 other message board the total posts between the 2 boards dont even add up to 1000 pmsllll so yes dear i do have a life …
and at least i dont meet ag them make them promises and dump them because i cant handle the situation……ring a bell ? dear!!!As for chatting up younger men….excuse me dear…my msn pic is there for them to see i dont lie about my age they can see that im not in my twentys …if younger guys are attracted to me then who am i to complain ….but im in a realtionship and dont chat up anyone…so ty for the interest and as far as my personal life out of the internet….has nothing to do with you !!
18 December, 2005 at 1:39 pm #177710@*Sian* wrote:
@geoff wrote:
@*Sian* wrote:
@geoff wrote:
Sianny dear you seem to have a problem here. I don’t do what Blonde Bitch does, I don’t need to stoop to her levels. And anyway, why would I bother to humiliate you when you do a perfectly good job of it yourself? I’m actually waiting for you to get personal, as thats where you always end up.
Why threaten it Geoff? :? Do you need to feel the power over women? :shock: I don’t run scared from w*nkers like you, you are a freak!! You threatened to show pics of me on the basis of you drunkenly misreading my post.(saddo) I put it up as I can, it’s my choice! Now for all you freaks that think this place is real and that I should give a flying f*ck about what you say or think about me then you are sadly mistaken :lol: :lol:
And Kirsty I love you dearly but I don’t know how you can be buddies with a man that tries to belittle women and threaten them. This is a real place for him, his life is collecting internet pictures to use against people :lol: :lol:
You’re losing it dear. Must be awful not being able to convince everyone of your bulls/hit?
LMAO, you’re a soooooo not on this planet, It’s all here for everyone to see Geoff, you threatening women, you sad fook :lol: :lol: I think you have joined Binty eating too much yellow snow :wink:
Sian get it right dear the names PINTY… and your the one with over 5000 posts and you say this aint real pmsllll where your life then.? tut tut you need to do better than that…. n wtf is all the yellow snow shit about your the 1 talking p iss …but guess i should congratulate you….youve managed to get more posts again …aint you clever
and a merry christmas to you too :lol:
18 December, 2005 at 1:04 pm #177707Lmaoooo sian you really are pathetic….. no dear i aint a dried up old woman….not by any means…and i dont have to degrade myself by putting up post like that … well seeing that you dont know me at all and getting all your info about me from you best buddy :roll: and tbh she dont know me either so you can say all you like about me … its water off a ducks back.. :roll: and i did say if you want to spk to me pm me this is the last post i will post for all you childish slappers to see!!!
18 December, 2005 at 12:52 pm #177706@*Sian* wrote:
@pinty{f} wrote:
:shock: :shock: wtf!!!! what has jc come to…… ffs sian have you no self respect…
Don’t you be talking to me about self respect madam :lol: :lol:
Oh the c*ck in question belongs to a very nice man called **** :P
wtf you talking bout you silly cow….if youve got anything to say to me pm me… i do have self respect….least dont post pics like that its disgusting!!!! we all do what we do in private but to post it its just degrading! but then again from you we can expect that cosidering your history!!!
18 December, 2005 at 12:10 pm #177702:shock: :shock: wtf!!!! what has jc come to…… ffs sian have you no self respect…
7 December, 2005 at 11:10 pm #173364i wondered that too oss hun…thats why i looked lol :wink:
7 December, 2005 at 10:59 pm #92353hewwwoooooo xxxxxxxxxxxx
7 December, 2005 at 10:26 pm #117840My baby(Dare) getting to the next stage of his interview for new job well done hunny mwaaaaaaaaah xxxx
7 December, 2005 at 10:21 pm #173212DARE :wink: :wink: :D/