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  • #177730

    pmslll what sian all you can see in my account is my tattoo and my arm in the air … and im not lowering myself to the gutter by posting me giving anyone a blow job or to your level for that matter…..your a totally pathetic little girl and you otta grow up…. all the s hit bout me being fat etc ….so tedious …. get a life dear…wonder where your getting your info from ….dont need to look very far do i…pmslll you sad little idiot….im extremely happy in my relationship ty and so is he …so f uck off n mind your own busness


    nine and a ahalf weeks……the scene in the kitchen when she is blindfolded and he is teasing her with the food …


    my point exactly…ty inspector thats what started this all off on the first place :roll: :roll:


    making dinner … having a laff from earlier posts…and just chilling in general… :lol:


    wanna give a rose to all my jc mates some of you more special than others…but all of you special in some way to me.. ty for being there for me through my situation through the year that some of you were there for me ty soo much …i hope the new year coming brings each and every one of you what you want in life,,,i know ill be happy this year coming as im coming into it with someone “very special.”..ty baby youve been brill you know who you are :wink: xxxx

    a wee special rose to vixen…cause shes a diamond….and 1 to angel1 …weve had our differences through the year but deep down we came through it and will always be a mate … have a good new year kiddo youve had abit of a year of it too… but this year coming is a fresh new start for all of us all the best x love yas all x


    good way of trying to get out of it sain pmsllll but this has been fun need to go now ttfn have a good day …..for someone that dont give a flying fuck bout things you really do seem a little put out…. just keep thinking dear whos life did you sh it on… who did you hurt… who did you make promises to….and who didnt you keep them too….. thats your quiz for the day… but you know it and i do to sian who im talking about…. so shouldnt be too hard to figure out.. well been a differnt day but i got a life gtg cya


    there was me thinking you lost your memory when you got old ….looks like i was wrong sianny dear think back you know fine well who im talking about


    lol ooo shes not so smarmy now is she geoff lol ………looks like little sianny has been norty girl :D


    oh yes there is lol and she knows it and so do i and 1 or 2 others pmslll


    …sounds like you have a guilty conscience dear hit a raw nerve have i? no dear hes definatley not fictional hes all real… well surely you havent done it to too many ppl that you dont remember who it is yourself without me posting …i wont bite to your little game dear….run back to the playground now your friends are waiting for you

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