PINTYf replied to the topic SAY SUMMIT NICE ABOUT THE PERSON ABOVE YOU in the board Chat forum one boards 19 years ago
cheeky wee chappy but a cutey mmmmmm :wink:
PINTYf replied to the topic whos your ideal patner in the board Chat forum two boards 19 years ago
@Soulie wrote:
@PINTY{f} wrote:
well its early days for me but so far my partner is kind sensitive caring extremely loving..great with my children..passionate ..considerate.trustworthy..honest..generous. compassionate…and hes a brill guy all round…cant really ask for much more can i? :wink:
money isnt everything when you…[Read more]
PINTYf replied to the topic Single life in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago
@GEMZ wrote:
@PINTY{f} wrote:
hopefully you n scott will be able to resolve things hunny… and if that dont happen hopefully things are amicable for cains sake best of luck for the future hun xxxx
thanks pinty we are mates still and we’ve not argued since the split i feel we’ve got on so much better since too and i think it was the…
PINTYf replied to the topic who is geoff…..again lol in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago
@Geoff wrote:
If people want to start threads in my honour Pinty and then proceed to attack me, even though I was out, then why they can’t expect some kind of reply is beyond me. They act totally amazed when they are challenged. Mentality of two or three here is beyond reprehension in their own under developed minds.
yep i agree hunny… after…[Read more]
PINTYf replied to the topic whos your ideal patner in the board Chat forum two boards 19 years ago
well its early days for me but so far my partner is kind sensitive caring extremely loving..great with my children..passionate ..considerate.trustworthy..honest..generous. compassionate…and hes a brill guy all round…cant really ask for much more can i? :wink:
PINTYf replied to the topic whos your ideal patner in the board Chat forum two boards 19 years ago
@Mr_Angel1 wrote:
my ideal partner is blonde, gorgeous, generous, funny, understanding, very loving, very caring and best of all, i get to wake up next to her every mornin. and now she has made my life complete bye agreeing to be my wife.
sorry peeps, but no ones partner is as ideal as mine :D :D :D :D
awwww heyyy thats brill news…[Read more]
PINTYf replied to the topic who is geoff…..again lol in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago
lol pats……just read it all from page 1 ….god sundays are boring :roll: …and err seems to me its just same old same old………
for the record…i like geoff…never done anything to bad mouth or harm me always been pleasant to me and he makes my friend happy ….cant be doing to bad can he…
PINTYf replied to the topic Single life in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago
hopefully you n scott will be able to resolve things hunny… and if that dont happen hopefully things are amicable for cains sake best of luck for the future hun xxxx
PINTYf replied to the topic give someone a rose in the board Chat forum two boards 19 years ago
@Soulie wrote:
he would look a bit gay taking a rose to an interview though
lol soulie….nahh he wouldnt..(hes anything but gay)and it was here for him coming back not taking it with him :wink:
PINTYf replied to the topic best present in the board Chat forum two boards 19 years ago
PINTYf replied to the topic give someone a rose in the board Chat forum two boards 19 years ago
giving a rose to chazsacs… good luck in your interview baby…i know you can do it :wink: :wink: mwaaaaaaaaah xxx
PINTYf replied to the topic What Picture ya got on your Desktop at the moment in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago
i got pic of chazsacs lying on top of his bed hed kill me if i posted it so i wont lol :lol:
PINTYf replied to the topic I’m going in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago
couldnt have happened to a nicer person…the baby is gonna be so proud to have you as a mummy …congratulations angel all the best for the future have a happy n healthy pregnancy hunny xx
PINTYf replied to the topic What would you say if you woke up to the person above you ? in the board Chat forum one boards 19 years ago
morning angel does craig know your up here? wanna cuppa?
PINTYf replied to the topic best present in the board Chat forum two boards 19 years ago
:shock: :shock: omfg …..errr wtf!!! errrr :-# :-# :-#
PINTYf replied to the topic Welcome Redex in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago
thats all it takes gemz and there at you like flies babe … typical jc ….never fails to surprise me :roll: :roll:
PINTYf replied to the topic Mr angel1 in the board Chat forum two boards 19 years ago
:shock: tut@ you pb thats not nice!!!!!!
PINTYf replied to the topic whats every one doing right now??????? in the board Chat forum two boards 19 years ago
too true dawny…..merry christmas to you pluto and your family…all the best for 2006 xx
PINTYf replied to the topic whats every one doing right now??????? in the board Chat forum two boards 19 years ago
@Captain Charisma wrote:
one is never really enuff 2 is much better :lol: :D
good thats it sorted i shall await that holiday pm pinetree :lol: :D
have a lovely time anyhow :wink: :Dlol @ you ..you lil flirt…..oh dont you worry ill definately be having a lovely time ty ,,ill be back in scotty land for new year though …cant beat a good…[Read more]
PINTYf replied to the topic whats every one doing right now??????? in the board Chat forum two boards 19 years ago
vixen hun you know im just playing… :lol: ones more than enough for me :wink: :wink:
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