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  • #272315

    @ubermik wrote:

    The original point I made was that most women ARENT exceptional at BJ’s, infact most will tend to be about averageish with very poor and very exceptional being the minorities, that point you criticised and refuted

    However, it its NOT the case then no man WOULD have to look for a woman who would be “understanding” because according to you they already are so “looking” should never ever be necessary should it? So why suggest it?

    Fair ppint about it being a “sort of” serious discussion tho, and perhaps the reason your posts have seemed hystyrical, defensive and irrational is actually because you werent trying to sensibly and objectively discuss the topic in hindsight so that would be a mistake on my part

    But what you have actually been disagreeing with is impirical data from studies and surveys performed over several decades including hundreds of thousands of people rather than my own person experience which hasnt been included in the discussion even once, so rather than me its hundreds of scientists sociologists, counsellors and various other proffessionals you’ve been accusing of talking nonsense, I was merely relaying their findings lol

    Ho hum

    Ok Mr. Messenger of scientists (hope they pay you well) enough is enough!! I am not participating in your orgasm and oral sex matters anymore, unless it involves comedy!
    You are turning me into a serious poster ffs!!! behave!! enough is enough!!

    mwahhhhhhh xx


    @ubermik wrote:

    So the orgasm point, its not Hot Chocolate at all. unless of course as do about 90% + of women you are labouring under the delusion that a man EJACULATING is him having an orgasm, which isnt the case, thats why its CALLED ejaculating to begin with you see

    Both men and women ejaculate AND orgasm, the two can happen independtantly of each other or together, and most men have never been brought to orgasm and never will AND most women wouldnt know where to begin trying to get a man to an orgasm, ejaculation is far easier by comparison

    So agreement is a bit of an impossibility unless youre actually talking from a position of fact and demographics rather than from one of assumption really

    I said “Mr. Ubermik you seem to have had lots of bad experiences with women as you generalise them to all being the same. I, along with many women who hate boring sex and have had a satisfying sex life, do know a man does not need to ejaculate to have an orgasm and this can be achieved in many ways. Maybe if you found an understanding woman who would take the time to find out your erogenous zones and what turns you on, you will also begin to realise this”
    You will find (if you did read properly) that I agreed with you on the orgasm comment!

    This is getting rather unhealthy having a discussion about male orgasm ffs!
    I come on here for a laugh and from your other posts I see you can have a joke ( punchline etc..) However you are taking this way to serious.. and I’m sorry but it’s just not in me to be writing novels about the male orgasm!
    Anyway I’m going back to being me, yeah me! nowt special, big lipped pink yoderish me! I cant be doing with all this seriousness!
    If it makes you happy you can say you outwitted me in a battle of orgasms lol

    Anyway until next time Dr. Ubermik have a nice orgasm!(and you don’t even have to ejaculate if you don’t want to)

    :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P



    Ok Mr. Ubermik you asked for it!

    For a start Mr. Ubermik It seems to me that you are a little obsessive to say the least on the subject of your sexual fulfilment. I am guessing you have been let down on many occasion in the bedroom department. Maybe this is because of your longing to analyze everything that is happening to you in detail to the said woman at the time instead of enjoying what is actually happening to you.
    You insinuate I think ‘I’m all that’. Well I am not all that, I was merely making light of a light hearted topic, and your statement about good looking people being rubbish in bed is very misinformed. What on earth has peoples looks got to do with the fact if they can satisfy their partner in bed or not? I get the impression you have had a very boring sex life, and have you ever thought a woman might not be satisfying you in the ‘bj’ section as she is not that into you and is just trying to speed things along.
    The same rule for life in general, is the same for sex, ” you only get out of it what you put into it”, and basically if you are boring in bed your partner is not going to put much effort in either.
    As for the orgasm comment, I didn’t respond as I just saw it as a thrown in statement because you were getting stroppy on the subject. (maybe a bit of pent up frustration).
    Anyway I will respond with the comment of ..what a load of b*******!
    My explanation of this is as follows:
    Mr. Ubermik you seem to have had lots of bad experiences with women as you generalise them to all being the same. I, along with many women who hate boring sex and have had a satisfying sex life, do know a man does not need to ejaculate to have an orgasm and this can be achieved in many ways. Maybe if you found an understanding woman who would take the time to find out your erogenous zones and what turns you on, you will also begin to realise this.
    Your ‘orgasm’ comment, sounds a mixture of frustration and sour grapes.

    Anyway M. Ubermik this thread is getting longer and longer, we are never ever going to agree.
    Time for a new subject please, I’ll be kind and let you pick.
    :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P


    @ubermik wrote:

    Infact, if you REALLY want to put some perspective on the subject

    MOST women have never made a man have an orgasm even accidentally, wouldnt have the faintest idea how to make a man have an orgasm and dont even know men CAN have an orgasm

    Look at my mouth (avatar)! Do you honestly think with lips made for the ‘job’ I would be rubbish? I know I’m good and not because I have been told so, I don’t need to hear words to know I’m the best! :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P


    @ubermik wrote:

    Lastly) I said if you want a job doing PROPERLY, so even if I did have an available woman to perform the act the rib quandry would still apply to it being done well, coz although we tell ickle wimminsey folks they are brill at it thats purely because were too lazy for ribremovalectomies and opt for the cop out of telling the little dears they have the hang of it to continue getting ok, average or substandard workwomanship rather than none :lol:

    z) I’m still paying off the fine from last time I got caught trying to smear next doors poodle in marmite and remove all of its teefies :?

    A) But they dont NEED training, you just have to be creative with how and where you serve their dog food :wink:

    Obviously another man who has never had a woman who knows what she’s doing, or are you just another man who has never had a woman? :P :P :P :P


    Oh please, give up! You are all deluding yourselves. You all know as well as I do that I am the only star around here, and not just any star. I’m a small pink wrinkly yoderish star! Beat that if you can!

    You will never take my title! muhahahahaha

    :D (in stupid mood as usual)


    @ubermik wrote:

    Well they DO say that if you want a job doing properly, do it yourself

    The two questions I have tho are

    1) Who on earth is “they”?


    2) If the job you want doing properly is one that involves “blowing” :wink: , then how many ribs do you need to have removed because I’m just not that supple :(

    Obviously I’m just guessing with the second one you understand :oops: :lol:


    1) ‘They’ are the voices in your head, the ones that tell you to eat cucumber sarnies while wearing a polka dot dress with your grans oversized tights. You do have those voices in your head dont you??

    2) Well if you had a woman who would be willing to perform the ‘blowing’ for you, then you wouldn’t have to remove a rib. Failing that you could always train next doors poodle to do it for you!



    @ubermik wrote:


    I thought he was crucified 2000 years ago :shock:

    Or did he just get a little cross and it was just exagerated from then on? :lol:

    Well you got your ‘punchline’ then! Even if you did have to do it yourself!



    For the benefit of the gullible twonk ‘Doa’. The post I made above was meant as a sarcastic dig and not true!



    Well I would offer some advice, but as Doa will tell you I reportedly charge a £1 a minute and also send pictures of him that contain viruses to unsuspecting victims! :D

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