ugo replied to the topic Avatars in the board Chat forum two boards 17 years, 8 months ago
@PinkYoda wrote:
A whole tub??? Are you flirting with me Ugo :wink:
:P :P :P
If I said yes would you share …..?
ugo replied to the topic Avatars in the board Chat forum two boards 17 years, 8 months ago
ugo replied to the topic who is still together? in the board Chat forum two boards 17 years, 8 months ago
@PinkYoda wrote:
People actually get together on here??? As in real life???
Geeeezus!!! How come nobody ever wants to get ‘together’ with me? eh? eh? eh?
Is it my 32 stone frame that puts people off or maybe the beard on my 5th belly?
Or could it be because I have the personality of a mad axe murderer who is addicted to hobnobs?
:D :D :D…
Druid replied to the topic Ant virus or malware remover? in the board Technical Q&A 17 years, 10 months ago
@PinkYoda wrote:
:D hiya druid and im very much a she and not a he lol :P
oh and people please ignore doa as having had the unfortunate experience of getting to know the pillock! I soon found out he knows sod all about computers as I found out when he told me hed found a great msn hacking tool and it turned out it was just a system password…
ugo replied to the topic PUBLIC APOLIGIE?? in the board Chat forum two boards 17 years, 12 months ago
@PinkYoda wrote:
@sweetasbaileez wrote:
@ugo wrote:
wow well said Im impressed
=D> =D> =D> =D> =D> :D/
:oops: :shock: :lol: Blimey ugo…do you think you can send me a pervy link now then :!: :!: :wink:…
token_male replied to the topic Wagon Wheels!! Grrrr in the board Off topic chat 18 years ago
@PinkYoda wrote:
Everything is shrinking! (so why isn’t my belly?)
Because you are obviously obsessed with sweets and junk food?
salacia replied to the topic Corned beef tins! in the board Off topic chat 18 years ago
@PinkYoda wrote:
Or worse… the key breaks half way round then you attack it with a knife.. and get cut with the knife aswell as the corned beef tin.. and end up scraping it out with a fork! grrrr..
rant really is over now! :lol:I tried peeling the metal strip back with some pliers once, there was blood everywhere, I ended up with two…[Read more]