Tom replied to the topic Ban legal highs! I don’t know why this stuff remains legal in the board Getting Serious 12 years, 9 months ago
@pikey wrote:
:lol: That is easily the funniest thing I’ve read all day. How’s the foot now, Tom?
Not too funny to me, mate! :lol:
Generally, it’s fine. It’s just paralyzed :lol:
rubyred replied to the topic Sermon on the Mount – is it all boll/ocks ? in the board Chat forum three boards 13 years, 5 months ago
@pikey wrote:
@toybulldog wrote:
If the ethics behind the sermon are absolute and unbending, and are agreed with across all faiths, does the past and current state of the world make it impossible to live up to them ?
Because even if we try, failure seems inevitable.Which then leads to a schizophrenic (ie normal) way of living where everyone knows…
toybulldog replied to the topic How would you fill a MASSIVE hole in the ground ? in the board Off Topic Chat 13 years, 5 months ago
@pikey wrote:
I would make a crystal pool filled with the tears of firmly spanked women that were wearing nothing but a niqab.*
*I should make it clear, in the interests of fatwah avoidance, that I have no requirement for these to be Muslim women. They would have to be reasonably bunky for it to work for me, though.
liking this one, even if I…[Read more]
Mrs_Teapot replied to the topic Dream interpretation in the board Off topic chat 13 years, 8 months ago
@pikey wrote:
I dreamed I stood part of a great writhing mass of the scared and credulous. Before us lay a great marble staircase pulsing blue in the moonlight. A prophet stood on the stairs and told us he too was afraid. We were right to be afraid. He saw a time of death and darkness upon us.
It was our own fault. We deserved it. We were ignoble…
sugarnspice replied to the topic Give The Young a Chance in the board Getting serious 14 years, 1 month ago
@pikey wrote:
Blimey. It’s like an episode of The Apprentice. I had a job once. A vain experiment designed to instill the suffering of the martyred proletariat into my soul. I can’t say I cared for it very much. I find myself unsuited to the whole shebang.
I hope, come the revolution, that there will be a special place in the nation’s heart for…
GAZLAN replied to the topic Famous ppl you would like to snog? in the board Off Topic Chat 14 years, 1 month ago
@pikey wrote:
@GAZLAN wrote:
Good old Joan Collins, i would have more than snogged her. JC has deffo got certain attributes. :P
I remember you claiming anal sex was wrong because ‘it is a natural system…….the anal orifice is also a natural way for disposing of waste……..how on this earth any natural minded person can equate the anus with…
YourChoice replied to the topic Famous ppl you would like to snog? in the board Off Topic Chat 14 years, 1 month ago
@pikey wrote:
@GAZLAN wrote:
Good old Joan Collins, i would have more than snogged her. JC has deffo got certain attributes. :P
I remember you claiming anal sex was wrong because ‘it is a natural system…….the anal orifice is also a natural way for disposing of waste……..how on this earth any natural minded person can equate the anus with…
panda12 replied to the topic Horse Poo in the board Getting serious 14 years, 3 months ago
@Tatler wrote:
@Tom wrote:
@pikey wrote:
I say, reading back, that Panda woman’s a bit unpleasant, eh? Seems to have her default setting on ‘drug dealer’s, Daily Mail reading pit-bull’. Frightful. I do hope she doesn’t try and engage in conversation. It’s all rather common.
I reckon she fancies you myself, Pikester. She’s hiding her true passion for…
Tom replied to the topic Horse Poo in the board Getting serious 14 years, 3 months ago
@pikey wrote:
I say, reading back, that Panda woman’s a bit unpleasant, eh? Seems to have her default setting on ‘drug dealer’s, Daily Mail reading pit-bull’. Frightful. I do hope she doesn’t try and engage in conversation. It’s all rather common.
I reckon she fancies you myself, Pikester. She’s hiding her true passion for you behind a façade of abuse.
panda12 replied to the topic Horse Poo in the board Getting serious 14 years, 3 months ago
@pikey wrote:
I say, reading back, that Panda woman’s a bit unpleasant, eh? Seems to have her default setting on ‘drug dealer’s, Daily Mail reading pit-bull’. Frightful. I do hope she doesn’t try and engage in conversation. It’s all rather common.
Being unpleasant is not the worst of my traits, Pikey.
anc replied to the topic Royal Wedding in the board Chat forum three boards 14 years, 3 months ago
@pikey wrote:
The Republic of the United Kingdom? Nice one.
You people need to get something straight. You seem to think that all the facets of this business, the wheres and how should bes, are something to do with you. You seem to be labouring under the misapprehension that you are citizens, that you are as important as the next person. This is…
Cherriepie replied to the topic Iran’s shame in the board Getting serious 14 years, 4 months ago
@pikey wrote:
I’ve noticed that the media spotlight has been turned on the Persians and I too suspect that may be because military action is being considered by the allies of Britain.
However, that notwithstanding, evil like the stoning of slags, and some of my fondest acquaintances are slags, should not be ignored or accepted.
minim replied to the topic Britain getting cleverer in the board Getting serious 14 years, 6 months ago
@panda12 wrote:
@pikey wrote:
Teachers certainly do coach for success at exams. Like I say, I don’t blame them. I’ve had many a friend tell me stories of how the grapevine communicating the ‘flavour’ of the upcoming tests works. The brighter kids go in to tests having a fail-safe selection of essay answers ‘rote’ learnt.
Yes it’s called past papers…
minim replied to the topic self esteem in the board Getting serious 14 years, 7 months ago
@pikey wrote:
I’m sorry, Minim. I didn’t mean my reply to be a criticism of your ambition to study. I think that would be a fine endeavour. I was just airing my philosophical ideas about the whole thread, rather than your post.
I tend to think that when you diagnose, say, depression, you are actually labelling something in the same way you would,…
Cherriepie replied to the topic Please dont laugh in the board Getting serious 14 years, 8 months ago
@pikey wrote:
I’ll bet that’s a nasty bite. You should be ashamed, Pete. She seems just like anyone’s mum.
Nemesis replied to the topic No more Gaz in the board Getting serious 14 years, 10 months ago
@pikey wrote:
To be honest, Nemesis, I watched Gaz take quite a few digs just because people didn’t like his viewpoint before he responded in kind. I don’t say it often, but I agree with Cas. Leave him alone if you think he’s just being self-evidently silly. If you decide to be nasty, though, don’t start whining if you get some back.
I can say…[Read more]
pikey replied to the topic Conspiracy Theories in the board Getting serious 14 years, 10 months ago
@Bad Manners wrote:
@pikey wrote:
With regards to my old Tim chum’s original missive, I wouldn’t say that involving a conspiracy automatically invalidates any particular theory. After all, conspiracies have indeed happened. I believe, for example, that the United States engineered the Spanish-American War by arranging to have one of her own…
minim replied to the topic Doncaster Council – the true murderers of innocence? in the board Getting serious 15 years ago
@pikey wrote:
It’s not my intention to dampen anyone’s righteous indignation at tragedies of this kind and, of course, one case is one too many, but it should be remembered, I think, that the country is actually making good progress with this sort of thing: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8497277.stm
I am sorry but I cannot go along with the let us…[Read more]
Sian replied to the topic What f00ked you off (part two ) in the board Off topic chat 16 years, 5 months ago
cath 55 replied to the topic so they finally catch up with OJ Simpson? in the board Getting serious 16 years, 5 months ago
@pikey wrote:
Who did it remind you of? Who is this evil person you’ve met? Is it Floella Benjamin?
thats the one…………*shudders*
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