pikey replied to the topic Ban legal highs! I don’t know why this stuff remains legal in the board Getting Serious 12 years, 9 months ago
:lol: That is easily the funniest thing I’ve read all day. How’s the foot now, Tom?
pikey replied to the topic Sermon on the Mount – is it all boll/ocks ? in the board Chat forum three boards 13 years, 5 months ago
@toybulldog wrote:
If the ethics behind the sermon are absolute and unbending, and are agreed with across all faiths, does the past and current state of the world make it impossible to live up to them ?
Because even if we try, failure seems inevitable.Which then leads to a schizophrenic (ie normal) way of living where everyone knows what is…
pikey replied to the topic Bullfighting in the board Art, poetry, music and film 13 years, 6 months ago
@panda12 wrote:
@best man wrote:
why you saying sorry pikey?
It’s referring to a “novel” written by Ernst Hemingway who was a very sad, sick individual.
I suggest Pikey opts to take the place of a bull in a “bullfight” and suffers the same death. I’d pay money to watch it and would even strap its body up to the back of my car and drag it out the…
pikey replied to the topic Bullfighting in the board The Locker Room 13 years, 6 months ago
I think it’s both cultural and art. Neither of which necessarily make it ok.
I think its cultural significance is obvious and needs little explanation. Those cheeky Spaniards love it. It strikes me as art because it allows for form and an expression of humanity within that form.
As I mentioned, none of this necessarily makes it acceptable. I,…[Read more]
pikey replied to the topic Bullfighting in the board Art, poetry, music and film 13 years, 6 months ago
If there had been no bullfighting, there would have been no magisterial The Sun Also Rises. I’m not willing to make the trade. Lo siento, los toros.
pikey replied to the topic How would you fill a MASSIVE hole in the ground ? in the board Off Topic Chat 13 years, 6 months ago
@Nemesis wrote:
bunky [buhn-kee]
adjective, bunk·i·er, bunk·i·est.
sexually interesting or exciting; radiating sexuality: Bob Marley’s Spliff Tin! That chapette is marvellously bunky.Related forms,
bunk·i·ly, adverb
bunk·i·ness, noun
un·bunk·y, adjective1923, contraction from bunk-uppable, itself from bunk-up, the act of sharing a bed.
pikey replied to the topic How would you fill a MASSIVE hole in the ground ? in the board Off Topic Chat 13 years, 6 months ago
I would make a crystal pool filled with the tears of firmly spanked women that were wearing nothing but a niqab.*
*I should make it clear, in the interests of fatwah avoidance, that I have no requirement for these to be Muslim women. They would have to be reasonably bunky for it to work for me, though.
pikey replied to the topic Riots and Social Networking Sites in the board Getting serious 13 years, 6 months ago
I am a bit alarmed by some of the sartorial crimes being committed in front of the world’s cameras but, that said, I’m reasonably heartened.
To be honest, I’d given today’s youth up as an indolent lot. I thought they’d been a’ glamoured by their faerie xboxes. Nice to know they’ve got a bit of derring do about them.
pikey replied to the topic Welcome To Britain in the board Getting serious 13 years, 7 months ago
Do you think the Green movement is part of a conspiracy, Gaz?
I must say, I’ve always found them to be very well intentioned chaps and chapesses. Take these fine souls, for example.
pikey replied to the topic Good Vibrations in the board Getting serious 13 years, 8 months ago
pikey replied to the topic News of the World Closing in the board Getting serious 13 years, 8 months ago
There’s nothing for it. We’re just going to have to stop buying the rags. Call shame on anyone you see reading a tabloid. Do it for your country.
pikey replied to the topic Time to lift language filters on JC? in the board Off topic chat 13 years, 8 months ago
Thought so.
pikey replied to the topic Time to lift language filters on JC? in the board Off topic chat 13 years, 8 months ago
pikey replied to the topic Time to lift language filters on JC? in the board Off topic chat 13 years, 8 months ago
I thought it was cunt.
pikey replied to the topic Dream interpretation in the board Off topic chat 13 years, 8 months ago
I dreamed I stood part of a great writhing mass of the scared and credulous. Before us lay a great marble staircase pulsing blue in the moonlight. A prophet stood on the stairs and told us he too was afraid. We were right to be afraid. He saw a time of death and darkness upon us.
It was our own fault. We deserved it. We were ignoble wretches and…[Read more]
pikey replied to the topic William Rodriguez ~ What the janitor knows in the board Getting serious 13 years, 8 months ago
What I’ve never understood about the conspiracy theories surrounding the revolting acts of September 11th is why an evil mastermind would arrange for aircraft to fly into buildings that he* intended to bring down with bombs. Why not just bomb it and blame the jihadists? Why add the extra layer? It’s not as if the catastrophic bombing of the WTC…[Read more]
pikey replied to the topic Do Immigrant Criminals Deserve Human Rights in the board Getting serious 13 years, 8 months ago
It is illegal, you fruitcake.
pikey replied to the topic anybody ever got bit by a dog in the board Off topic chat 13 years, 10 months ago
Still, it’s only cunts. No need to be exercised, old boy.
pikey replied to the topic Give The Young a Chance in the board Getting serious 13 years, 10 months ago
Mr Tull. Peace Be Upon Him And His Most Sacred Spliff Tin.
pikey replied to the topic Give The Young a Chance in the board Getting serious 13 years, 10 months ago
Nonsense. Jobs are rubbish anyway. These young adults should be taught to be noble warrior poets – for the sake of their humanity – not CV pushing corporate whores who could out scum a The Apprentice candidate.
They should be out drinking, singing lusty songs, dancing, fornicating and taking drugs. Preferably with me. Skating Away On The Thin Ice…[Read more]
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