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  • #490935

    @pepsi wrote:

    “Two high-profile disasters will be making travel headlines in 2012: the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic on April 15, and the end of the world on Dec. 21 (according to some interpretations of the ancient Maya calendar, anyway.)

    The former is being commemorated with everything from cruises retracing the doomed liner’s route — albeit with a much happier ending — to a flashy new waterfront development in Belfast, Northern Ireland, the city where the ship was built.
    The latter is the focus of marketing efforts throughout the “Mundo Maya” — most notably Mexico, Belize, Guatemala and Honduras — aimed at convincing sun-seekers and history buffs that what pessimists dub an impending apocalypse is merely the dawn of a new era.

    Toss in potential European bargains courtesy of the continent’s financially strapped PIGS (a derogatory acronym referring to Portugal, Ireland/Italy, Greece and Spain) and a slumping euro that just hit its lowest level against the dollar in 16 months, and it’s no wonder “doom and gloom” tourism might be on the upswing this year.”

    Don’t think I will be booking up for any o’ these …..


    p.s Mayan End Age 12-21-2012 heralds a New Age of spiritual enlightenment

    so no need to worry …. :shock:


    One thing that annoys is during a conversation a comment or useful suggestion is made and then grrr! someone else suddenly takes over and runs with it …

    I’ve encountered a few people like this and even when it’s pointed out that didn’t someone else say that first before you did ? They carry on regardless ……

    Annoying !



    I don’t really wish to add more to this thread other than to say I hope that they both are ok and…it’s so quiet without Panda and Terry !



    Yes I did think i should have put ‘ never seen 1 last up to Christmas Day ‘ after i posted it… lol

    but even so wouldn’t last as long as that … mystery advent chocolate eaters !

    :lol: :-$


    You should see his antique bouncy castle ! :lol:


    Lol Certy’s not the end of the world …well not yet anyway.

    I miss the sunshine at the moment so I can understand the summer day comment.

    Although I admit that ive never played out in grubby flares… I very often dont seem to have a care in the world !




    So funny ! I’ve never seen an advent calendar yet that lasted the whole of December before all the goodies had been eaten…..






    That’s so true Tinks … Morning sickness is a good sign that the placenta is growing well and healthily. It’s something to do with the hormone levels of the growing placenta during the first three months…

    Not pleasant ..but it’s something you have to put up with amongst others :lol:

    (After all not forgetting the case of thalidomide of years gone by which were a direct result of treating morning sickness with drugs.)

    Nowadays as Jen said severe cases of morning sickness are treated with care, in hospital if necessary to make sure fluid intake is adequate etc etc .

    It’s great news that the pregnancy has been announced and hopefully all will be well.




    Well you know what its like Cosy… no one about ..all quiet shh!

    so i thought i’ll have a lil looksee about !

    tiptoes away quietly ….


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