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  • #525263

    Well, well what a surprise when someone tries to put up a nice post, people read it but don’t take the time to reply, but when its something nasty there are lots of replies. Says it all really doesn’t it!!!!


    @maxie wrote:

    Hiya Penny

    l’ve always took in rescue dogsand never had a problem with them the one l have now was found under a bush whilst l was at work , was there for 2 days till l gave in and took him home , his tail had been docked and he was very nervous to start with , but 9 years later he’s still with me and happy as larry would not be without him he’s a little star xx

    Thank you maxie its lovely to hear from you. Thank you for sharing your experience with me and its lovely to know that you have such a lovely pet. x


    @rogue trader wrote:

    coaty and I hate this thread,dont we coaty
    “er yeh”
    “how the hell can pets usurp our brilliant threads?
    “yeh I know what you mean cose”

    “well fck it then coats we got it wrong so its like pets r us pics rules the gaff”
    “hmm looks like it yeh”
    “okies coaty leave em to it yeh”?
    “laters cosy bye”
    “ye coats let them put pets on but they will never ever let them beat us,i mean you,no me oh whatever,

    Coathanger loves my Charles he had a part in one of his stories :D


    I blame all of you :D


    Where you from you sexy thing :)


    Thanks for livening up the boards and giving us all something to laugh and talk about x


    I DONT LIKE IT :D :) :lol: :P XXX


    I think its been drawn on :?


    @annette-curtain wrote:

    :-k and I thought you were leaving :roll:

    You can check out but you can never, ever leave!!!

    There’s no escape :P


    @coathanger wrote:

    ” Well done to everyone making another newbie feeling unwelcome, instead of guiding her through the “norm ” of the chat world, its a case of lets all gang up on her and not get to know her…but judge her on her pics and whats she says…. And we wonder why jc has gone downhill ”

    Did you do much guiding Laney ? Did you warn her about Joker and Thick Slice ? Or were you far too busy with Mario, deliberately winding Moonshadow up ? Oh and what do you know ? Moonshadow was right all along and Mario was a love rat lol.
    Bit late to be all holier than thou now dear.

    ” its a case of lets all gang up on her and not get to know her…but judge her on her pics and whats she says…. ”
    Get to know her ? people in Jc knew everything about her, from having Fillet steak for tea to when she had her last sh!t !! All curtesy of HER !!!
    Its a chatroom, you tend to judge people on what they say Doh !!
    People did try and advise her on many things, she knew better.

    Don’t jump on the goody two shoes box, it doesn’t suit you. :wink:

    Coathanger you are still watching the room very carefully :D or has nice been passing her notes onto you :D

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