To be slightly serious for a moment Cath, I was fat once as well. I weighed 18 1/2 stone but luckily at 6’3” it didn’t show up too much and playing Rugby every week kept it sort of under control. When I stopped playing at 51 I put on a bit more weight and got quite porky.
It was when I looked closely at photos of myself in a swimming costume I realised that I needed a good few swipes with a bacon slicer. So I resolved to get myself back into a sensible shape. It is actually really easy. You simply eat less. That’s all there is to it.
forget about faddy diest. forget about calorie controlled foods, weight watchers, pille, potions, injections and all that rubbish. You simply only eat as much as your body can consume by the next meal time.
So I don’t eat breakfast, small snack for lunch (when I can be bothered) and one course for supper. Works for me. it’s all down to how strong minded you are. Mind over burger as it were.
Now I am down to a more sensible 13 stone and have been for several years.
Why does everyone assume that if ur fat u eat all the time .. thats totally wrong majority of ppl are fat thru illness etc .. good for u PB too relise that u were a large man and done sumthing about it =D> …
Sue, are you fat? I know that the reason people are fat is their over eating, it is not very often through illness, I thought you had done your research, if what you were saying was true, it would mean that over half of america would be ill and not greedy oinks. Seriously this fat debate always intrigues me.