• Peco replied to the topic Hilariously Funny in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago

    I might be old rubyred, but I’m in lousy shape.

  • Peco replied to the topic Doughnut!!!! in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago

    Doughnuts are fattening, but a lot of people don’t realise that it’s the hole in the middle that has the most fat in it, that’s why I always leave that bit and eat-around it.

  • Peco replied to the topic Not Enough Nudity on TV in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago

    panicstricken, that was an excellent post m8. Totally cracked me up that did.

  • Peco replied to the topic Hilariously Funny in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago

    Most shops sell them Pete, they’re called candles. All ya need is one, but don’t stand too close to it.

  • Peco replied to the topic Hilariously Funny in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago

    Before anyone says…….Oh! I didn’t know peco was THAT old. I’ll have you know that in a good light some folk have taken me for as young as 51 and 3/4s

  • Peco replied to the topic Hilariously Funny in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago

    FFS! I edited that post cos I didn’t think it was funny. Too late now though.

    Ration Books were used by Brits during WW2, when food was rationed. I’m not sure exactly ( and can’t be bothered reading up on it ) when they were done away with, but I’m 52 ( born 1954 ) and I read once that the books were still used up right up until the 50s.

  • Peco replied to the topic Hilariously Funny in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago

    Doh! I’ll need to read up on my Newfoundland small mammals then.

  • Peco replied to the topic Hilariously Funny in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago

    Thanks Veronica. I tried those links, but I can’t use the second one because it’s a sound clip and my sound system is out of action at present, but I’ve bookmarked it.

    Ignore PB, he likes to hotten things, and if you say anything to upset him he’ll burn you like a flanker. PB was out one day jilliking and by accident hit an empt eating…[Read more]

  • Peco replied to the topic Hilariously Funny in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago

    Thanks Jigsy, I may take you up on that kind offer sometime, but for now I’m happy without one. I’m such a fussy fickle f..ker that even with the best avatar in the world, I’ll get fed up with it and go off it 10 seconds after claiming it’s perfect. x

  • Peco replied to the topic for Peco in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago

    My sincere apology AngelBabe, that’ll teach me to go off half-co cked without getting my facts right, well, for a while anyway until I fall back into my bad habits again.

    Nice to hear from you too, and I hope you are well. x

  • Peco replied to the topic Hilariously Funny in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago

    I don’t have an avatar, so in case anyone thinks I’ve got bugger all……………………………………………. they’re right.
    I’ve got a FIAT BRAVO……. which is the same thing really.

    FIAT stands for………..FIX IT AGAIN TONY

  • Peco replied to the topic Hilariously Funny in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago

    Anyone who has read some American literature would know that there are differences between British spelling and American. I don’t see how anyone can fail to know this, unless they either don’t read literature or don’t watch movies either, but you’re sure to come across those differences if you read anything on American web-sites.

    I must confess…[Read more]

  • Peco replied to the topic Hilariously Funny in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago

    Jigsy, you tease!

  • Peco replied to the topic Hilariously Funny in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago

    I know, but I stand by those words.

  • Peco replied to the topic Hilariously Funny in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago

    Robbo, a word of advice to you, if you have an ass like Jigsy, DON’T EVER BEND OVER in front of me.

  • Peco replied to the topic Hilariously Funny in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago

    Seing as Jigsy aint replied to this so far, I’m replyin.

    I don’t know what this fued is about, and by the looks of it, I never will. From what I’ve read, it seems to be on several threads. It looks to me as though Jigsy has has withstood everything thrown at her and she is still standing. When will peeps realise she won’t be worn-down or admit…[Read more]

  • Peco replied to the topic Billy No Mates in the board Chat forum three boards 19 years ago

    I don’t understand this condemnation of people’s nationality. I like Americans and Canadians. They were both part of our Empire, and we have strong ties with them. Okay, criticise a country if you wish, for whatever reason, but don’t condemn an entire nation because you don’t like one chatter, or use their nationality to abuse them. It’s so f..king dumb!

  • Peco replied to the topic paintball in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago

    “Paintballing”? Nah! There no way I’d ever paint my balls. Not even with emulsion.

  • Peco replied to the topic Running in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago

    I think I’m in love.

  • I don’t like the idea of a regular theme night. Doing something like a theme is okay when it’s done impromptu/spontaneous, making it a regular thing is so naff. We did country singers, then some became movie stars, then it was back to all being country singers. Lord Of The Rings ffs? What next? Star Wars? How about 55 Days At Peking? Then we can…[Read more]

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