Pebbz replied to the topic vamps brighton bash in the board Chat forum one boards 18 years, 11 months ago
I actually wasent going on about ma looks i was sayin that i looked a mess and that it wasent a good pic of me that was all
Pebbz replied to the topic vamps brighton bash in the board Chat forum one boards 18 years, 11 months ago
Pebbz replied to the topic What would you say if you woke up to the person above you ? in the board Chat forum one boards 18 years, 11 months ago
oooooooooooooo babe can we do that again loll :lol:
Pebbz replied to the topic vamps brighton bash in the board Chat forum one boards 18 years, 11 months ago
:( :( OMG i cant believe thats pics i look a total mess thats crazy i will never show ma face again lmfaoooooooo
Pebbz replied to the topic f1 newcomers girlies in the board Chat forum one boards 18 years, 11 months ago
Tut @ u for forgetting me poor wee scottish gal :( :(
Pebbz replied to the topic What would you say if you woke up to the person above you ? in the board Chat forum one boards 19 years ago
I aint goin anywhere :lol: :lol: :wink: :wink: :wink:
Pebbz replied to the topic What would you say if you woke up to the person above you ? in the board Chat forum one boards 19 years ago
:o Of course i came back to ya
how can i resist lol give me more
baby keep going and dont stop :wink: :lol: :D -
Pebbz replied to the topic SAY SUMMIT NICE ABOUT THE PERSON ABOVE YOU in the board Chat forum one boards 19 years ago
:o :o No u is the hott one, This is ma hott sexay minx that is the best she is a good m8 and has been there for me when i needed a friend and other ways too but better not mention that here huh :wink: :wink:
Pebbz replied to the topic The Nutters Thread in the board Chat forum one boards 19 years ago
Welcome nut to the JC boards hope ya have alot of fun xoxox :) :D
Pebbz replied to the topic When was the last time you… in the board Chat forum one boards 19 years ago
:o :o Never scared of planes i have never been on one
When was the last time someone showed u a bit of affection???
Pebbz replied to the topic SAY SUMMIT NICE ABOUT THE PERSON ABOVE YOU in the board Chat forum one boards 19 years ago
:lol: hes sooooo funny he makes me laff reading the posts
Pebbz replied to the topic Two words of the day in the board Chat forum one boards 19 years ago
when your :lol:
Pebbz replied to the topic What would you say if you woke up to the person above you ? in the board Chat forum one boards 19 years ago
:oops: i cant remember getting here :wink:
Pebbz replied to the topic Using the quote button. in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago
Well said Lou xxx :lol:
Pebbz replied to the topic What would you say if you woke up to the person above you ? in the board Chat forum one boards 19 years ago
:lol: i have soooooooooo noticed hehe this is becomin a bit of a habbit is this not incest as we r each other sis or is it aloud since u only addopted me hehehe :wink:
Pebbz replied to the topic The Person Below Me is SCOTTISH in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago
@rubyred wrote:
christ the guys on the rigs will be going mental LOL..be gagging for a pint and a peh supper :) I think we should all go up to Aberdeen when they get off the rig LOL…
no been in Aberdeen for a wee while,,i love the pubs in Holborn St,,Which is ya fave pub if ya dont mind me asking?
Pebbz replied to the topic New Kid on the Block. in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago
:D Welcome Ally to the posts it can be alot of fun xx
Pebbz replied to the topic What is a friend in the board Chat forum one boards 19 years ago
A good friend is someon who wants to take care of u when your ill and down :D
Pebbz replied to the topic When was the last time you… in the board Chat forum one boards 19 years ago
:lol: :lol: Been that long i cant remember but i did get a hair cut for ma birthday if that counts loll
When was the last time u lied about something u had done??
Pebbz replied to the topic What would you say if you woke up to the person above you ? in the board Chat forum one boards 19 years ago
:lol: AW u no how to make a women feel better keep it up :wink: :wink:
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