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  • #481742

    @melody wrote:


    When Pasty and I signed up to twitter we started a mini competition to see who could get a retweet or a mention message off a celeb first…

    I would just like to say…


    I got a mention and a retweet off Lennox Lewis tonight… yayyyyyyyyyyyy

    HA! no win, lenox has a glass chin and Z list.

    toodle pip, :D


    19. Most likely to be caught sniffing the mother in laws knickers……..Craig

    20. Most likely to be a ‘brownie’ leader………Del

    21. Most likely to be the editor of ‘fist’ magazine….Lez

    Enough! back to the room!

    :D :D :D


    Just heard!

    Terrible terrible news. Lovely bloke! RIP Sol :(


    @melody wrote:

    I dunno if am more jealous of Del or Des on this occasion :lol:

    I’m jealous with rage!

    Pasty.x :D


    @desmondy wrote:

    @pasty wrote:

    *note to self: must dye hair and return boots to Des. :D

    Wondered where they went! Any chance of the Susan Boyle hairpiece back aswell?

    Sure, no problem, you can have it back after i’ve finished using it for washing the motor.



    @lucylocket wrote:

    cuz im in cyber love with a sexy brunette that wears knee high boots yum! :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P

    *note to self: must dye hair and return boots to Des. :D


    @desmondy wrote:

    @flame wrote:

    Im waiting for pasty n des to get it on :P

    Some things are best kept private….

    I concur…

    pasty.x :D


    Del you will have to apply formally to the ‘Y Fronts Gang’ if you require Des to be your internet squeeze.


    Ps. by the way the going rate for Des for an evening of ‘Fun’ is 17 cans of Skol payable to Jaqw


    @melody wrote:

    16 I think…. for the banter… when it’s good it really does make me L O L (thanks Pasty)

    :) :) :)

    pasty xxx


    @irish_lucy wrote:

    Holy Crap Cosy what crawled up your fundamental orifice today? Pasty is one of the funniest here, Masterplan is lovely and i dont know who Mystery is but it is the internet and free for all.
    Again im laughing at what the hell is going on in your head but really Mate, relax its only a bit of fun. (although Pasty would sniff his pants!!!)
    And as for lady’s pants eh hello, Cherriepie did post her pants LOL

    pasty xxx
    :) :)

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