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  • #485794

    boob tube.

    Pasty. xxx Merry Christmas.


    @irish_lucy wrote:

    thanks lucy. xxx :D :D :D :D :D


    BMX bandits!

    I had a BMX and a girl friend with a ginger perm, i witnessed a raid at the ritz video shop and had to make a statement while I straddled my bike (with stabilzers) if you don’t no what I’m on about YouTube it!

    I’ll find a pic later

    Toodle pip,


    @vili wrote:

    Ok couple of questions to see how arty, musical and literate we all are in TOWIF2 (the only way is F2)

    1. Which painting makes you go WOW when you look at it? Or your favourite artist?
    Anything by tony hart.
    2. A piece of music, classical or modern, which makes emotions well up in your heart, maybe a tear or 2? Tarzan boy – Baltimora

    3. A classic piece of literature you just cannot put down, maybe reread 100 times?
    mr men – complete collection or the Argos catalog
    4. What inspires you most, art, literature or music?
    Lets prove we hav some culture hehe!


    That’s my car! And no ‘He’ wasn’t worth it. :D


    @f-surrey wrote:

    Erm I think you will find Des slated my excellent cooking abilities first @ pasty, so shame on you for being in love with him..

    Des I hope your not pretending you have been hiding in my wardrobe, cause we both know you wouldn’t get through the front door :lol:

    Pmsl@excellent cooking ability.


    @irish_lucy wrote:

    in his face full stop, and for the love of god man STOP squatting in quizzes.

    It helps me concentrate! :D


    @gazlan wrote:

    Esther Ra-Ra-Rantzen :lol: :oops: lol

    Your ill in the head, please go see you GP immediately!

    Pasty.x :D


    @lucylocket wrote:

    @f-surrey wrote:

    Nob ed..!

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ………….just sayin

    Lol, Shush growler lover. :D :D :D

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