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  • #504018

    Modern medicine has alot to answer for! :D

    mellow wrote:
    If you have a song that can evoke memories try listing it here.

    So inspirational and helps me get out of bed in the morning :)

    also jaqw asked me to post this for him…..because it reminds him of me :)


    ……um i don’t get it :p


    I hope my ‘squatting’ in quiz’s is acceptable??



    ok here goes……

    @melody wrote:

    Ok here are 20 questions to try and wake the forum up!

    The general topic this time is dating/flirting since you do it all so well….

    1) Where did you go on your first ever date? rambling in suffolk, i wish i was joking!
    2) Where would you go now on a first date? stevenage
    3) How far would you go with someone on a first date? holding hands, thats my limit!
    4) What is your biggest turn off? beards
    5) What the the worst thing that has happened to you on a date? she said i looked inbred
    6) Who in jc would you date (if your were/are single) no comment
    7) What is the first thing you notice about someone of the opposite (or same if ya gay) sex? The size of their hands
    8 ) What is the most embarrassing thing you have done in the presence of someone you liked? i’m not saying!
    9) Are you a body language or a verbal flirt? both in equal measure
    10) If you could start again would you pick the same people as you have in the past? nope
    11) Where would you go on a perfect dream date? somewhere tropical
    12) Do you believe in love at first sight? i dunno
    13) Do you think you have been in love? think so
    14) Where do you see yourself in 10 years? old peoples home pretending im deaf
    15) What would you buy your partner on their first birthday with you? tough question, depends on the person but If really like them i might get them a lizard.
    16) What has been the scariest moment of your life so far? pass
    17) Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex? nope, yes thats a no you fools who think im gay
    18 ) Would you ever hook up with an ex? nope, shes a mental
    19) Do you sext when you are drunk? i dont drink
    20) Have you ever lied to attract someone? nope thats norty


    1985 – in my view the only important event of the year.

    ‘cupping’ my first erm pair of wangs (jumper not removed) on the local park bench.



    Happy birthday for yesterday fella,

    Pasty x (gay x by the way)


    @melody wrote:

    erm…. lol

    Pasty he has but more the point…

    You have facebook Pasty :P????????

    Erm…. We eyebrow tweet is that enough for you???



    @melody wrote:

    @f-surrey wrote:

    @melody wrote:

    I am in the independent chatter party… my manefesto is keep ya nose out, ya pms locked and just banter in chat. That said I consider a couple of you friends… Desmondy included and in fact out of all the people over the years who have come and gone Des is one of the only people I actually trust enough to have on my facebook from this place.

    Cheers Doo :lol:

    PMSL!! You never asked! x

    Des has Facebook???.



    @desmondy wrote:

    @irish_lucy wrote:

    nope I look good from all angles.

    Im the one in the green – now control yourself lads, go easy on the pm’s please.


    Who are the other chicks?

    That’s me of the left.


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