Forum Replies Created
9 April, 2010 at 3:07 pm #437032
@quiet_man wrote:
Just seen our glorious leader posing outside 10 Downing Street with an unmatched collection of dullards, makeweights, knaves, thieves, varlets, lunatics, nonentities, tramps, vagabonds and assorted oxygen thieves and skin-wastes, a simpering buffoon today launched the most exciting exercise in direct democracy since the last instalment of “Britain’s got come on its X-factor”.
In a move that any sane person would describe as “electoral suicide”, our beloved Prime Minister today reminded the world that he bears ultimate responsibility for the fact that the goggle-eyed, blinking lunatic Ed Balls directly influences what your children are taught; that the head of Slytherin House is responsible for all business regulation; that a man who makes Geoff Hoon look like a model of competence is now in charge of the military; and that he actually has a Minister for Misandry.
Amongst many other awful things.
Meanwhile, the leader of the official opposition has been outlining this week’s election strategy with lots of well-rounded phrases to highlight that the primary differences between his party and that of the governing party is that he can speak with passion and authority. And by the way, does not have any of those awful cabinet ministers in his team. Fortunately for us, he has his own shining team of dullards, makeweights, knaves, thieves, varlets, lunatics, nonentities, tramps, vagabonds and assorted oxygen thieves and skin-wastes.
And apparently there’s another big party, although no-one knows anything about them.
It’s all so exciting, especially the prospect of sweeping reform and major changes to the way things are done in this country. As for me, I’m hoping that a sensible party is standing in my constituency – like the Monster Raving Loony Party.
Why not vote for UKIP then QM – they seem to be on your wavelength. :D
24 February, 2010 at 7:10 am #432379@(f)politics? wrote:
@pete wrote:
The hunt kills very few because it’s cheaper to shoot them than to own a horse and a pack of dogs costs far less, it is not natural to hunt with dogs. Fox numbers are still stable and are expected to remain stable. Death from disease although not nice is natural, we kill because we can and no one and nothing can stop of if its what we want to do. Control is an excuse, nothing more
Pete im sorry but “you what?” the hunt kills very few cos its cheaper too shoot them ?? the hunt kills very few because the hounds cant bloody catch em its as simple as that, yes to a degree its always been an excuse and alot of the hunt riders esp the kids are not there for the blood but for the fun of the ride, i dont deny that, … but … it is natural for dogs to hunt and infact if you go back to caveman days they would follow animals that caught prey to try and chase the wolves for example away and have the kill themselves so in a way u could say is a natural thing for man to do in that respect. but even if it isnt natural to follow, it is still natural for the dog to hunt. Fox numbers are still stable yes but they have fallen and the increase in disease in them and domestic diseases related to foxes HAS risen. Sarcoptic Mange is a real problem in domestic dogs in the last couple of years and terrible to see and a nightmare to treat causing alot of misery and seeing a fox with mange is actually heartbreaking as usually by the time they are out being seen with it they are really bad with it and it really is an horrendous thing to see. And yes we kill because we can, every time we eat meat or fish we have even if indirectly killed. And i repeat shooting isnt the best answer for the fox species. If we just left them and didnt hunt or shoot or trap them they would actually manage and control themselves usually from disease but the disease they carry can cause us problems that we dont really want or need.
You think fox hunting kills the old and infim – natural selection?
Read up on “cubbing” poli – find out what that involves and how the hunt members circle round a wooded area known to contain fox cubs as young as a few months old. The hounds are sent in to kill them and the cubs have no chance of escape as the hunt followers drive and frighten them back into the wooded area by banging their saddles and shouting.
You think it still doesn’t happen post ban? Read the Horse and Hound hunt forum.
And you think digging out a fox that has gone to ground and chucking it to the hounds alive to be ripped apart is controlling the old and infirm? Natural selection is it? Smacks of sheer bloodlust to me.
It’s deplorable and sick and like cubbing and hunting in general, is no “sport” at all.
And you really want to find out about deer and stag hunting. Is it really necessary to chase an animal like a deer or stag across miles of countryside to then shoot it? Why not just shoot it on sight and forget about the chase?
Oh, and look at carted deer hunting in Ireland. A deer or stag is taken to an enclosed area and then hunted for hours until it gives up exhausted. It’s not killed – no it’s usually severely injured from trying to jump barbed wire fences and getting it legs caught and torn. Then, it’s taken back to its herd – barely alive – but will again face the same ordeal another day. And the justification for this? It helps train jump jockeys! Well that makes it all right then.
The overriding factor about hunting with hounds is – it is all down to blood lust. The hunt followers want the thrill of the chase followed by the death. There is no other justification for them wanting the ban repealed. It has nothing to do with conservation at all.
If animal numbers need to be controlled then use trained, paid marksmen who can do it with a clean, quick and humane kill with a quota on finding the old and infirm and diseased without all the bloodlust and socialising involved in hunting with hounds. And ban farmers and any other gun toting idiot from roaming the countryside looking to shoot anything that moves.
For God’s sake, this is the 21st century and hunting with hounds belongs in a bygone age and those that condone it are, IMHO, born without any compassion or humility towards other sentient creatures.
I’m a big believer in “do unto others as you would have done unto you” – so you pro hunt people – if you had to choose a way to die, would you prefer a quick, death by a trained marksman or would you like to run and run and run for miles with no where to hide until you give up exhausted and are ripped to pieces by a pack of dogs being cheered on by a merciless bunch of inhumane creatures?
I really cannot understand how anyone with an ounce of sentiment in their body can say that hunting and animal to death with hounds and horses is humane or acceptable.
And as for your argument that kids are there to enjoy the ride – I suggest you start researching pro hunters and see how many young kids say it’s fun – they enjoy the thrill of the chase and the kill. One young girl even had pictures posted on her Facebook gloating as a deer was about to be killed and saying how she enjoyed it enormously! The little kiddy hunters of today are the bloodlust adults of tomorrow.
31 January, 2010 at 2:02 am #429758Is it nature or nuture?
If it’s nuture then ppl blame the upbringing and parents or as is most common, blame everyone and eveything except the parents – i.e. wider society.
But if we can blame wider society for having a bad inlfuence then surely we can accredit it with having a good influence as well?
If not, then why isn’t the majority of the population offenders?
I think it is also down to nature – after all, we are just animals and animals from birth follow their natural instincts. As animals yet also “humans” when we choose to be, we indoctrinate children into being civillised – that is, not animals. Unfortunately with some children, this artifical state doesn’t work.
31 January, 2010 at 1:25 am #425532@quiet_man wrote:
Actually the solutions very simple, no dole for immigrants until they’ve contributed tax for four years. No child support, no nothing. Four years of actual tax paying over whatever elapsed period, will sort out those who come here to work and those that come here to sponge.
I don’t mind people coming here to work, then again if we put the same rules into place for our unemployed so that no one in this country, at all, can get any kind of benefits—no dole, no child support, (most importantly) no housing benefit, no nothing—until they have contributed tax for four years. And then, of course, limit the amount of time that anyone can claim benefits for.
You will then find that job vacancies fill up reeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaal quick.
QM – very intersting post of yours. “Backtrack” is the word that springs to mind.
The title of the thread is your own yet now you refer to “immigrants” not illegal immigrants anymore thereby making this post of yours more acceptable.
I admit there are people in this great land of ours that take the pish benefit wise, but our welfare system is there to help those that cannot help themselves for whatever reason – it maybe for a short while or for the long term or for life.
BUT – it is there and it’s what makes this country a great place to live – rather be a caring society than a “dog eat dog” and the “I’m alright Jack, fook you” society that you seem to crave.
Then having said that, I’m sure you agree with Thatcher when she said “there is no such thing as society”
And therin lies the root cause of the problem in this country – no society = no caring attitude.
I hope you never fall on hard times.
9 January, 2010 at 7:35 am #425492@susieq wrote:
Welcome to the boards Panda
One thing to note . . . most don’t take this seriously . . especially woohoo !!!!
try reading a lot of posts as sarcasm and dry wit and you’ll do fine !
So why’s it called Getting Serious? Some of it seems pretty serious in places.
9 January, 2010 at 5:05 am #422962The guy got jailed and rightly so – he’s not a victim of the injustice of British law but a victim of his own vanity. He was just trying to score brownie points rather than do what any person with an ounce of common sense would have done – call the police then and there and let them remove the gun.
To have found Mr Clarke not guilty would not only have been incorrect but would also have set a dangerous precedent in law and render police stop and search powers meaningless in the fight against gun crime and gang gun culture.
Anyone, stopped in the street and found in possession of a gun could just claim that they had “found it” and were on their way to “hand it in at the police station” even if their intention was to blow someone’s brains out. How do you prove what they were really intending to do?
That’s why you are guilty of breaking the law if found to be in possession of a gun, what you intend to do with it is irrelevant and quite rightly so.
9 January, 2010 at 4:41 am #425490“Poetic justice …..and to think it used to be the otherway round…. “
Indeed Gazlan, well said.
Perhaps if people knew their history and their facts then they would know where they’re coming from.
Unfortunately some people don’t and pick up the Daily Mail or The Sun and believe everything they read.
WooHoo – I don’t think illegal immigration can be blamed for the current economic crisis in this country, or indeed the World, not unless of course these illegal immigrants run the World’s banking system. Perhaps you missed it, but the World’s banks are mainly responsible for the current global economic crisis.
But, hey ho – when you don’t know anything, just blame illegal immigrants and Gordon Brown – nothing like being informed and objective, eh?
9 January, 2010 at 4:31 am #426952“I fancy that this is yet another Media scare story playing to the inherent paranoia of some people.”
Well said PB. And as the source is quoted from the Daily Mail, take it with a pinch of salt, or preferably a whole bag full.
Not that the press ever, “sensationalise” things… :roll: