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  • #412499

    @thin ice wrote:

    i will try to be nice

    Not worth the effort – its bound to fail. Stick to being an a rse hole.


    @thin ice wrote:

    @panda12 wrote:

    @thin ice wrote:

    @panda12 wrote:

    Name changing abusers as well as shyte stirrers in JC.

    i am the king of stirring
    and hope no one dares to do a better job

    They will without trying because quite frankly, you are really rather c rap at it.

    awww pandie pops is this a challenge

    No contest – I would win paws down.


    @thin ice wrote:

    @(f)politics? wrote:

    i once stole a pound note off my dads dressing table when i was abt 6 went next door and went off to play after hiding it under the next door neighbours cushion, when it was found my “friend” crumbled and told his parents everything who in turn told mine and i had the hiding of my life, not for the fact i stole money or the amount just the fact i chose to steal at all and tried denying it, about 6 years later i attempted to steal a tube of polo’s once from a sweet shop goaded to by friends, still felt the effects of that good hiding 6 years earlier and went back and apologised and put them back :oops: so a word to the wise dont steal you’ll get your fundamental orifice severly tanned in one way or another, you will always get found out eventually.

    ive stole a few hearts in my time
    but last week i got nearly got away with a side of beef from tesco
    was just sneaking out the door when security say oi what you doing with that side of beef
    so i told him
    red cabbage
    and lashings of gravy and a few yorkies

    You remind me of a sad old grandad wearing light coloured slacks with white socks and brown leather sandals and thinking he looks “trendy.”

    You think you’re cool and funny but really you’re just old and sad and needs to act his age.


    @thin ice wrote:

    @panda12 wrote:

    Name changing abusers as well as shyte stirrers in JC.

    i am the king of stirring
    and hope no one dares to do a better job

    They will without trying because quite frankly, you are really rather c rap at it.


    Name changing abusers as well as shyte stirrers in JC.


    @(f)politics? wrote:

    @pete wrote:

    And country people lie through their teeth about hunting, it does absolutely nothing they claim it does and the fox is made out to be some rampaging beast that could take down a cow if it wanted, A fox CANNOT take down a COW impossible and im not aware anyone has ever claimed this whereas it’d come off second best to most domestic cats. We have NO right to kill anything, but a better fence round the chickens, foxes will and do dig under fencing it aint difficult, though amazingly these murderous beasts don’t kill all the free range chickens we see in shops ? no fox could kill every chicken ever free ranging you would need a million foxes have you ever seen a free range chicken farm and how many chicken are roaming around ? Either they aren’t that bloodthirsty or the chickens are stuck in batteries and just labelled free range.
    There’s another example of man’s compassion, battery hens,dont believe in this either but then i live in a city i guess i don’t understand, it’s just a hen. Birds of prey take pheasants,birds of prey indigenous to the UK cannoy catch pheasants the only birds of prey to do this are the larger hawks trained to do so by falconers gotta kill the birds of prey cause we need to shoot the pheasants.
    Elephants eat crops, let’s shoot em and get some nice ornaments into the bargain. We are man watch us kill and make excuses that it’s necessary. Utter bollocks, we do NOT need to hunt foxes.

    And as i have already quoted fox hunting doesnt cull foxes it maintains them,but ultimately deals with the “trouble makers” a farmer will report a trouble maker to a hunt the hunt will take it out and it is proven that these ones tend to be mangy, old or ill, that is a fact, and most importantly hunting keeps their natural wariness of human beings that is being crossed now we are taming them (or trying to). i like foxes and was willing to accept that hunting them was over, the trouble is they are getting to sure to uncautious more disease ridden (no good for the fox population, domestics or people) and i for one would rather see any animal that is ill taken out quickly rather than a prolonged painful death anyway, so why would anyone that loves these creatures want them to suffer more than they need to? and ok hunts are not going to rid all of the ill and diseased and old but they make an impact on that part of it, it keeps the population in general healthier and more wary. All good let them be wild. Oh and i did state that most healthy foxes will keep small mammals and the likes down thats one reason farmers like foxes as well as hate the trouble making ones.

    Bigger problems with the human race Poli – parents diseased with drink and drunks and harming their children. Why don’t you hunt nuts shout so loudly about that rather that defending what you feel is your right to slaughter wildlife that is just trying to do as nature intended?

    Severely misplaced priorites, you hunt nuts.


    Yes indeed, it is time for a cull.

    A cull of parents who kill or harm their children – Baby P ring a bell?

    Of friends and family members and baby sitters that harm and kill children.

    The sad fact is that more children are harmed by their own parents / friends / family members than they are by foxes so I don’t understand what the point of this pointless thread is – I suppose it’s to maginfy a “problem” that doesn’t really exist.

    However, child battery by parents is a huge issue and I contribute to the NSPCC to help them try and stop this.

    Some of you on here though would rather divert money to a mass cull of foxes!

    I think some of you on here need to get your priorites right.


    @(f)politics? wrote:

    Gawd it was a joke maybe some found it tasteless or read too much into it but singleing out someone like that is far nastier than the joke itself, if you had a genuine complaint abt it you would have taken it to admin not spread it round the boards in some petty “look what they said ” tripe !! If there is any complaints regarding racism or abuse i think i am right in saying you contact a guide in the chatroom or contact admin via the contact link or pm a host here it can be dealt with in a discreet and correct manner rather than causing a hornets nest and the usual band wagon jumpers to feed off it for days. But i guess the attention that was being craved by this was successful.
    But to even things up a bit ..
    Q: What is the difference between a white man and a snake?
    A: One is an evil, cold-blooded, venomous, slimy creature of Satan, while the other is a snake

    Oh dear! And you’re supposed to be a chat guide. :roll: Says it all really. unless of course you morph into an objective, rational person when you have your chat guide hat on? Or when a chat guide, do you still retain your prejudices and “friendship” with those that offend and upset others, thereby failing other chatters?

    Far nastier to name and shame the perpetrator is it? I think not – it’s showing welsh fem for what she really is – not very bright or intelligent and totally bereft of any consideration for other chatters.

    Seems to me in JC, those that are popular regs with big mouths (usually female) can get anyway with anything – bullying, offending and upsetting other chatters at will and absolutely nothing is done about it. You complain – you just get laughed at. Pathetic.


    @eve wrote:

    I had to continue on a sep sheet :)

    if the person who says they were offended was truly offended then it behoved them to say so at the time ( as i have been known to do on one or two occasions :) ) or to make an offical complaint.

    Racisim or any other form of prejudice is not nor ever should be acceptable and the fact that this is just a chat room is not an excuse. However, if the person concerned was truly offended then they should have said so and not made a point of singling out one particular chatter and making it an issue in here.

    if they feel that racism needs to be dealt with, then deal with it.

    Complaint made as far as I know at the time and my friend did tackle welsh about it at the time only to be told by welsh that she had a soh failure.
    You have said if racism needs to be dealt with, then deal with. That is exactly what has been done by my mate making the complaint and by her asking me to post it on here as she isn’t a member of the board as yet.

    Upto the Chat Host now to deal with it and stamp it.


    @eve wrote:

    I think that most ppl in JC who know me will Know that any form of prejudice, be it racial, sexual, religious or of any other type makes me go off like the proverbial rocket. So called racist jokes in particular are extremely offensive.

    However, i also feel that it is necessary to take into consideration the person who has told the so called offensive joke. I truly doubt that Welsh Fem 1 would have meant it in any way offensive.

    Further more, while I have never seen the name of the chatter who found it offensive in the room, it does seem to me that the person themselves is drawing attention to their colour by the use of that chat name. Whilst there is nothing wrong in being proud of your own heritage I not that very few ppl would call themselves white chocolate or any other connotation of that name.

    Wordsworth, a chatter i have met, like and respect, does not see the need to draw attention to his colour. He is what he is, as are we all.


    Eve – my mate is not black!!! Her name has nothing to do with the colour of her skin! Why presume it is?

    A newbie who doesn’t know welsh fem and my mate doesn’t, won’t know that welsh is not a racist and meant no harm by it. Look at the bigger picture.

    I am mixed race and whereas I don’t find it overly offensive, a public chat forum is not the time or the place to tell jokes that can offend. It’s not a good advert for welsh’s beloved JC at all. Amongst friends and family it could be used as a humourous interlude but not on here.

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