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  • #443256

    @eve wrote:

    Indded i did Pepsi. However, that thread was opened as a lighthearted holidy thread. the cosy comment was made as a one off to a particular chatter who had made a point of threatening me over that particular holiday. It was not opened merely as a way of abusing one particular chatter over and over and over.

    further more, my pot and kettle are ginger 8)

    Ok so it’s not pot, kettle, black, it’s just hypocrite?


    @eve wrote:

    I was under the impression that these boards were for lighthearted comments on subjects that amuse and interest us. I know that arguements do take place via the boards and i have, myself, been guilty of said “board arguements”.

    however, for the boards to be used for the continual plaguing and abuse of one particular chatter and for threads to be opened just for that reason is disgraceful.

    Windups are one thing. Continual and continuous abuse of one person is different.

    Disgraceful and disgusting.

    Umm yes…

    You wrote this on your Thelma and Louise Turkey thread:

    “Thıs ıs expecıally for cosythepsycotw@t from eve”

    Kettle, Pot, Black?


    @(f)politics? wrote:

    @panda12 wrote:

    @(f)politics? wrote:

    @pete wrote:

    And country people lie through their teeth about hunting, it does absolutely nothing they claim it does and the fox is made out to be some rampaging beast that could take down a cow if it wanted, A fox CANNOT take down a COW impossible and im not aware anyone has ever claimed this whereas it’d come off second best to most domestic cats. We have NO right to kill anything, but a better fence round the chickens, foxes will and do dig under fencing it aint difficult, though amazingly these murderous beasts don’t kill all the free range chickens we see in shops ? no fox could kill every chicken ever free ranging you would need a million foxes have you ever seen a free range chicken farm and how many chicken are roaming around ? Either they aren’t that bloodthirsty or the chickens are stuck in batteries and just labelled free range.
    There’s another example of man’s compassion, battery hens,dont believe in this either but then i live in a city i guess i don’t understand, it’s just a hen. Birds of prey take pheasants,birds of prey indigenous to the UK cannoy catch pheasants the only birds of prey to do this are the larger hawks trained to do so by falconers gotta kill the birds of prey cause we need to shoot the pheasants.
    Elephants eat crops, let’s shoot em and get some nice ornaments into the bargain. We are man watch us kill and make excuses that it’s necessary. Utter bollocks, we do NOT need to hunt foxes.

    And as i have already quoted fox hunting doesnt cull foxes it maintains them,but ultimately deals with the “trouble makers” a farmer will report a trouble maker to a hunt the hunt will take it out and it is proven that these ones tend to be mangy, old or ill, that is a fact, and most importantly hunting keeps their natural wariness of human beings that is being crossed now we are taming them (or trying to). i like foxes and was willing to accept that hunting them was over, the trouble is they are getting to sure to uncautious more disease ridden (no good for the fox population, domestics or people) and i for one would rather see any animal that is ill taken out quickly rather than a prolonged painful death anyway, so why would anyone that loves these creatures want them to suffer more than they need to? and ok hunts are not going to rid all of the ill and diseased and old but they make an impact on that part of it, it keeps the population in general healthier and more wary. All good let them be wild. Oh and i did state that most healthy foxes will keep small mammals and the likes down thats one reason farmers like foxes as well as hate the trouble making ones.

    Bigger problems with the human race Poli – parents diseased with drink and drunks and harming their children. Why don’t you hunt nuts shout so loudly about that rather that defending what you feel is your right to slaughter wildlife that is just trying to do as nature intended?

    Severely misplaced priorites, you hunt nuts.

    what a ridiculous statement to make like u assume all hunt nuts dont do anything for all the things u describe above :roll: how do you know how loudly they shout or what charitable things said hunt nuts do for kids charities etc ? u dont !

    The only things hunt nuts shout about is their “perceived” right to chase an animal to exhaustion and revel in its death, taking its body parts as trophies for their walls.

    Not only that they get their kids involved – brainwash them from birth and then happily smear the dead animal’s blood all over them!

    Hunt nuts campaigning and fund raising for the Tories to win in rural areas so the hunting ban can be overturned!

    Voting Tory solely for the purpose of allowing them to once again to enjoy chasing an animal to exhaustion and watch it being ripped to death or dug from the ground and thrown to the dogs.

    That’s what hunt nuts shout about and then lie to try and justify their lust for blood – to hide the fact that civilisation has not reached them and that they remain brutal savages desperate for blood and gore and to cause as much suffering as possible to the quarry for their thrills.

    The “sport” you so vociferously defend not only causes the death of the fox / deer / mink etc – on top of that, there are the hounds that are shot dead by the very “people” they trust when they get too old or aren’t up to the chase.

    Then of course there are the horses that suffer serious injury and death because the hunt nut wants to jump that big fence / gate with no thought for the welfare of the horse.

    It’s not a “sport” it’s a festival of suffering for all the animals involved for selfish “human” entertainment.

    If the fox population needs controlling let it be done humanely, respectively and quietly without the sick, gloating pageantry of the hunt. Suitable rifles with professional marksman will do the job and well.

    Same for the deer population – marksmen with powerful rifles control the population in areas unsuitable for hunts so they can take over the role of the stag hunts.

    Hunters argue that hunting is ineffective anyway with the fox getting away 70% of the time. So they defeat their own argument!

    But of course, the fox getting away is not good enough – no blood involved so if the fox goes to ground the terrier men digs the animal out and throws it to the hounds so the bloodlust is satisfied.

    And Poli – get yourself a stronger chicken coup – after all, you secure your house from human intruders so secure your chicken house from foxes. After all the foxes are just doing what you need to do yourself everyday – eat.



    Roads not clogged with fat parents driving their fat kids to school because they’re all too fat to waddle there.


    @minim wrote:

    Is having yet another complete overhaul to try and cut costs. Now, they are doing away with the current system and over the next 3 years, they are going to hand over complete financial control to GPs. Now, I don’t know about you lot, but I don’t think my GP could manage his way out of a paper bag!!!

    What do you all think?

    It’s Dave and Nick’s subtle way of preparing the NHS for privatisation. The GPs won’t know what they are doing so the private sector will step in and take all the money for big fat bonuses.

    Watch out soon for privatised police, ambulances and fire services with call centres in India vying for your business or holding you in a queue.


    @minim wrote:

    I was horrified by the events as they unfolded. The man was clearly derranged and needed help, not to be forced into a corner and then effectively killed. They should have let members of his family talk to him. Yes, he did wrong, yes he was a violent man, but he should not have died like that. And I was disgusted by the scenes of people dancing in front of a pub whilst he lived out his last hours and minutes.

    He should have lived, been tried for what he did, then given psychiatric assessment and help. And he should have served time for his actions. Do we not live in a compassionate world anymore? Have we returned to the days of an eye for an eye? A life for a life?

    I am very saddened.

    I bet if it was your son, brother or relative that had been killed by this moron you wouldn’t be so compassionate.

    Why waste money on a trial, prison, food and psychiatric help for him? His human rights evaporated the moment he killed and the world is a better place without him.


    @nemesis wrote:

    I think they want a second post mortem as there is some doubt that he meant to shoot himself, as tazers were fired, and these may have caused muscles spasms causing him to pull the trigger.

    My heart goes out to his family, and to his brother who begged to be able to speak to him to try and bring a peaceful end to it, who saw it all unfold on screen.

    Yeah, his brother was so depesperate to talk to him he sat on his ar se and watched it on TV!

    The same brother that hadn’t had anything to do with him for 15 years or so!

    Get real – the guy was a murdering, woman / child beating psycho and muscle spasm or not, he’s dead and good riddance.

    His brother just has pound signs in his eyes wanting a big compo payout by claiming the police were inept / responsible.

    Facebook and Gone Too Soon should take the hero worship of him down to discourage other gun toting attention seekers from doing likewise in the hope they will achieve the same admiration.


    @Rosepetal wrote:

    @termy wrote:

    Sorry Panda I cant donate mine its got over £30 on it lol

    Hadn’t you better spend it quick before it gets nicked!

    =D> =D> =D>


    @jen_jen wrote:

    Sorry I can’t donate mine cos I haven’t got one…I’ve got some out of date Tesco computers for schools vouchers though, will that help?

    Out of date! This isn’t a charity you know! :D


    @termy wrote:

    Sorry Panda I cant donate mine its got over £30 on it lol


    I’m sure you can donate £4.50!

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