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    @tweety wrote:

    Who is adeboje kidding? Me thinks this is a wind up. :)


    Are you Miss Marple? :D


    @thin ice wrote:

    was this deleted or just slashed in half

    Government cuts.


    @quiet_man wrote:

    @melody wrote:

    So in the few short weeks that the two toff-boys have been in charge of the country they have or plan to:

    scrapped new school builds

    scrapped the building of a hospital and begun to ‘overhaul’ the nhs to cut costs

    vowed to make schools into academies… aka privatise them meaning that OFSTED standards will no longer apply

    Stopped funding for the rights project which helps ppl appeal against wromg benefits decisions

    raised VAT

    scrapped several benefits

    frozen child benefits……

    need I go on???

    Oh and let us not forget the millions in foreign aid pledged to help other countries which would basically wipe out our own domestic debts…

    SOOOOO still glad you voted?

    So how would you fix the £4 trillion debt and spending 30% more than you get via taxation?
    It’s always the same after a Labour government, higher unemployment and a wrecked economy, you’d think people would have sussed this by now.

    Ah! QM – always the drama Queen!

    Let’s get some perspective shall we?

    We have a deficit. Far from being a Greek-style 12pc of gross domestic product or £163bn (as prophesied by the Budget), Britain’s deficit last year (2009/10) was actually £145bn – just over 10pc of GDP.

    If HMRC eradicated the,‘tax gap’ that is the amount of tax uncollected or evaded which for 2010 is estimated at around £120billion that would make a deficit of approx £25b and would make all these cost cutting largely unnecessary.

    We could then invest in schools, public services, the NHS etc etc.

    But no, a further 5000 jobs are being cut in HMRC by 2011 when the govt should really be recruiting to help collect more of this revenue in.

    So instead of collecting money due to the Treasury, this govt would rather make the situation much, much worse by throwing thousands more on the dole.

    It’s always the same with a Tory govt. You may remember QM that under the last Labour Govt, unemployment was at it’s lowest for many, many years? The unemployment rate was last in double figures – at 10 per cent – under Blair, in February 1999. In February 1993, under Major, it was double that: 20.3 per cent.

    Overall, under Blair, unemployment reduced dramatically.

    Yes it started to rise and increased quite dramatically under Brown but they may have been due to something called a world wide recession.

    Under this current govt, unemployment will continue to rise as the cuts start hitting – public sector workers are losing their jobs and will continue to do so. This will be compounded when the NHS is “reformed.” The cancellation of the schools building project will mean a huge downturn in building trades again causing unemployment to rise.

    Failing to spend money will result in the stagnation and demise of many associated business areas which will lead to more unemployment.

    Yes we need to reduce the deficit but you need to speculate to accumulate – that is you need to invest in order to sustain and generate economic growth and stimulate consumer spending.

    Making people unemployed to save money is false economy. Collecing the £120b tax gap makes more sense.

    After the second world war, the UK was in significantly more debt (understandably) but the Labour govt didn’t cut, cut cut. It invested to encourage economic growth and employment.

    In my life, unemployment has always been higher under a Tory govt and public services have always been dire due to under funding.


    @(f)politics? wrote:

    @panda12 wrote:

    @(f)politics? wrote:

    @panda12 wrote:

    @userfrenzy wrote:

    @(f)politics? wrote:

    Ok this is a dream i had abt 6 months ago
    it was abt 2 beached whales in a street who had little babies squalling for them that were no bigger than a new born kitten and the whales were dieing slowly…. i’ve had an interpretation of it before but what do you reckon user ?

    the book reads this one a bit negative pol ill mail what it says if ya like, im almost certian the whale is just a metaphor for Family or you could just be remembering the whale that cut loose and found its way to London and its somehow crept into your dream cycle lol

    Or maybe it’s because poli likes killing animals?

    Where did i say i “like ” killing animals ?
    Whats the matter arent you getting the attention off of the others you constantly keep making digs at, so thought you’d try me out ? well .. go for it muppet!

    Oh and if you have nothing costructive to say about the thread maybe you would take your snide comments and lies to another more suitable place

    Hmmm, you didn’t say you were going to set your dogs on the fox that got into your chicken coup then, huh?

    You don’t support fox hunting in the form it was pre-ban?

    Perhaps seeing dead and dying animals is because you actively support bloodsports.

    Just a thought – they say dreams are a result of things that play on one’s mind. Perhaps it is the sembalance of a conscience trying to come to the fore?

    And as for attention? I get all the attention I need and want, my dear but thank you for your concern.

    Well i’m glad you feel the need to pay such close attention to my posts, but at no point did i say i “like ” to kill animals, setting my dogs on a fox thats trying to getting into my coup isnt liking killing its frightening the thing away, the chance of a dog actually catching a fox is virtually zero, as constantly explained a million times the way the animal world works there are killings of animals by other animals all the time, a fox itself kills other animals, whether to eat or protecting its own territory yes they do at times fight to the death or injury can cause the death for females or territory, and yes i still believe hunting played a part in maintaining not only a healthy fox population but assisted in helping against farmers territorys being invaded by less able foxes, i still dont see where i said the word like, but i believe it was the right thing to do as is being proven more and more as time goes by. That aside as this isnt actually about hunting, i dont really see how my subconscious would dream about “whales” dieing on a street out of their natural environment has anything to do with the fact about hunting, the whales werent hunted man didnt put them in the street they took themselves there with their young, so no i think your excuse or trying to make it seem you were following the original thread was a pathetic and poor excuse of trying to inflame me, sadly it doesnt but as yourself i appreciate your concern my dear, and am impressed how much notice you take in what i have to say, even if it is the negative stuff in your opinion, i’ll be interested for you to get back to me on the positive posts … in your own time dear

    Well firstly poli, I simply adore your posts, I hang on your every word and take my time over them. Well that’s actually because they are so difficult to read as you seem unable to effectively use punctuation to make your posts coherent.

    Perhaps that is a reason for your random dreams? They are all over the place like your punctuation? Just a thought.

    As for setting your dogs on that fox, you said, “, fecking b@s tard thing, if i catch the fecker i’ll let the dogs at it i tell ya.”

    That doesn’t imply frightening the fox now, does it? It implies something much more sinister as in the fox is captured by you (perhaps by using a net, or drugged food, perhaps?) inferring the fox would be unable to escape and you would then set your dogs on it, implying the fox would be killed.

    To support something is to endorse it, or to give encouragement, or using another word, to “like.” You support fox hunting as it was pre – ban therefore you like killing animals! You may not do the killing yourself, but you still “like” it as you approve of it!

    And hounds are dogs and, pre-ban, dogs had a 30% chance of killing the fox. Now that’s not virtually zero, is it? In fact you actually agreed with me on this statistic.

    And as for not sticking to the original thread – I was actually and you know that but have conveniently chosen to turn into what you perceive to be a “dig” at me.

    Dreams can often be the result of a disturbed or guilty mind – your dreams of dead and dying whales could be your subconscious being deeply disturbed by the fact that the conscious you endorses bloodsports where animals can be found to be dying and dead.

    These dead and dying whales may represent the animals that die in the bloodsports that your readily endorse.

    Murderers and criminals often have disturbing dreams because of what happened in their conscious lives.

    Who knows! Perhaps you did catch that fox and set your dogs on it. Perhaps your dogs did kill that fox and perhaps the dead and dying whales is your sub-conscience reminding you of what you did? Just a thought.

    Oh and btw, there was no “pathetic and poor excuse of trying to inflame” you but looks like I did so. Subconsciously, of course, my dear.


    @(f)politics? wrote:

    @panda12 wrote:

    @userfrenzy wrote:

    @(f)politics? wrote:

    Ok this is a dream i had abt 6 months ago
    it was abt 2 beached whales in a street who had little babies squalling for them that were no bigger than a new born kitten and the whales were dieing slowly…. i’ve had an interpretation of it before but what do you reckon user ?

    the book reads this one a bit negative pol ill mail what it says if ya like, im almost certian the whale is just a metaphor for Family or you could just be remembering the whale that cut loose and found its way to London and its somehow crept into your dream cycle lol

    Or maybe it’s because poli likes killing animals?

    Where did i say i “like ” killing animals ?
    Whats the matter arent you getting the attention off of the others you constantly keep making digs at, so thought you’d try me out ? well .. go for it muppet!

    Oh and if you have nothing costructive to say about the thread maybe you would take your snide comments and lies to another more suitable place

    Hmmm, you didn’t say you were going to set your dogs on the fox that got into your chicken coup then, huh?

    You support fox hunting in the form it was pre-ban.

    Perhaps seeing dead and dying animals is because you actively support bloodsports and have said so on another thread.

    Just a thought – they say dreams are a result of things that play on one’s mind. Perhaps it is the sembalance of a conscience trying to come to the fore?

    And as for attention? I get all the attention I need and want, my dear, but thank you for your concern.


    @userfrenzy wrote:

    @(f)politics? wrote:

    Ok this is a dream i had abt 6 months ago
    it was abt 2 beached whales in a street who had little babies squalling for them that were no bigger than a new born kitten and the whales were dieing slowly…. i’ve had an interpretation of it before but what do you reckon user ?

    the book reads this one a bit negative pol ill mail what it says if ya like, im almost certian the whale is just a metaphor for Family or you could just be remembering the whale that cut loose and found its way to London and its somehow crept into your dream cycle lol

    Or maybe it’s because poli likes killing animals?


    When I started secondary school in 1986 for the first two years we did Home Economics or Cookery as it was known.

    We were taught to cook, taught about nutrition etc.

    Then in the 3rd year it got replaced with Food Technology which is all theory and no practical.

    We spent more time analysing food labels and designing them rather than prepping and cooking food.

    At the same time, the McDonalds, KFCs and pizza places started opening up everywhere.

    Now my generation are the ones with the fat, obese primary school kids who get driven to and from school because they and their parents are too fat to walk- is it any wonder?


    @(f)politics? wrote:

    @panda12 wrote:

    @Shirley Valentine wrote:

    All of my nieces and nephews – ages range from 10 to 17 – are on it.

    I’ve often thought of messaging them, pretending to be a suitably aged new friend, and eventually asking them to meet me somewhere, to show them how easy it is to be fooled.

    Never done it, I’d have to get their parents permission first, (it wouldn’t feel right otherwise) and I couldn’t be sure their parents would keep quiet – but it would certainly be an eye-opener if they’re expecting to meet a new14 year old pal and out walks their 45 y/o auntie :shock:

    Aren’t there laws against adults pretending to be kids and “grooming” youngsters to meet them? :P

    But a good idea in a way to… A. find out how susceptible they are and B. to let them see how dangerous it could have been, especially if you have any concerns at all. I can see a method in that madness Shirley Valentine and ditto kents welcome, enjoy the boards.

    Pete has scared SV off with his swearing in another thread. :roll:


    @gazlan wrote:


    Because he’s a pervert? :P


    @pete wrote:

    @panda12 wrote:

    @Bad Manners wrote:

    @pete wrote:

    If you’re female i’m the king of Norway :wink:

    Well, Queen of Norway

    Nah, Court Jester but not a very funny one.

    Like I give a fuck what some gobby dyke thinks


    But you do, Pete, hence your apology to me in a pm.

    BTW, I’m not a dyke but if thinking I am gives you sexual satisfaction then so be it. You have a lot of pent up anger at the moment so best to get it out. Don’t forget the Kleenax and wash your hands – you don’t want your keyboard getting all sticky and unusable now, do you? :P

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