Miss Minx replied to the topic Christmas Post…. in the board Off topic chat 17 years, 3 months ago
@Panda wrote:
@sharongooner wrote:
Stamps are still pretty cheap though.
Apparently they’re running out of them :shock: There was a woman on the bus the other day coming back from town moaning about it… She had to queue for 15 minutes just for 12 stamps to put on her cards she took to town with her, only to be told she could only have a book of…
Miss Minx replied to the topic **ANNOUNCEMENT ** The "Hoff" is back amongst us. in the board Off topic chat 17 years, 3 months ago
@Panda wrote:
I did too minx… His stint in spongebob the movie wasnt all that good either
I havent seen spongebob the movie…
*adds it to the ‘to do’ list.*
Rainbowbrite replied to the topic Just Chats biggest baby. in the board Polls 17 years, 3 months ago
@Panda wrote:
I dont quite think his charming personality would get on with the many I already have, they’d squabble more than they already do.
So belittling is the way forward?? I don’t think I’ve tried that one before, I’l maybe attempt to lure people into a false sense of security and then try out that theory for myself :wink:
Thanks for…
Miss Minx replied to the topic Ugo (a.k.a. Dumbknob) in the board Off topic chat 17 years, 3 months ago
@Panda wrote:
@Miss Minx wrote:
@Matty wrote:
can you leave us alone please, thanks
Well why you asked so nicely…. :D
Feel free to add what super power youd choose minx if you like 8)
Anybody ever watched Charmed? I would be like Piper and have the power to freeze time. I would never be late for anything again. :D
Panda replied to the topic Just Chats biggest baby. in the board Polls 17 years, 3 months ago
@Rainbowbrite wrote:
@Panda wrote:
so how many exactly do i need to be noticed?? Because I’ve noticed stropping doesn’t work :D
Ask Ugo. Apparently he sets the limit.
Also to be noticed you have to have Ugo’s charming personality… it seems…
Maybe if you pick on someone who has not actually done anything to deserve a negative load of abuse…
Rainbowbrite replied to the topic Just Chats biggest baby. in the board Polls 17 years, 3 months ago
@Panda wrote:
@ugo wrote:
@Anita Gofradump wrote:
What a bunch of whining little pr!cks, get over me you gimps. I know you all want to be me, cos you cant stop talking about me and now creating threads about me.
Suprised you didnt dedicate the poll just to yourself fasty, you are the saddest tw.at on these boards by a long stretch.Get over yourself…
Jo xxx replied to the topic whats every one doing right now??????? in the board Chat forum two boards 20 years, 1 month ago
@Panda wrote:
Listening to the cure, they always make me :)
& thinking not all us welsh are as crazy as the guy who cut his balls off pmsl
Im Welsh and i aint Crazy!………..Much! :wink: :lol: