Shields Up
Test your firewall with the Internet’s quickest, most popular, reliable and
trusted, free Internet security checkup and information service. And now
in its Port Authority Edition, it’s also the most powerful and complete.
Check your system here, and begin learning about using the Internet
The Three Musketeers
The DCOMbobulator
DCOMbobulator allows any Windows user to easily verify the
effectiveness of Microsoft’s recent critical DCOM patch. Confirmed reports
have demonstrated that the patch is not always effective in eliminating
DCOM’s remote exploit vulnerability. But more importantly, since DCOM
is a virtually unused and unneeded facility, the DCOMbobulator allows any
Windows user to easily disable DCOM for significantly greater security.
Shoot The Messenger
Even before the latest DCOM/RPC vulnerability (see above), many
Windows users were being annoyed by “pop-up spam” notices appearing
on their desktops. This intrusion is also facilitated by an exploitation of
port 135. Our free “Shoot The Messenger” utility furthers the security of
Windows by quickly and easily shutting down the “Windows Messenger”
server that should never have been running by default in the first place.
UnPlug n’ Pray
As originally urged by the FBI, and still urged by prominent security
experts, our UnPnP utility easily disables the dangerous, and almost
always unnecessary, Universal Plug and Play service. If you don’t need it,
turn it off. (For ALL versions of Windows.)
There’s lots of other free stuff here.
One of the best sites on the web! 8)