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  • #1007614

    its just oh I dunno tbhso weve got the sounds of distant ringing wedding bells,the mothers communicating through fb aka the devils spawn


    women on here buying new hats the smell of confetti in the air,and to paraphrase a beautiful south song lyric wedding bells turn to dust,it defies logic to me?.how the fuck anybody could be that stupid,after a chat on fb to announce “ive finally found my love”

    its just guffaw city,its twaddlesville

    what makes me laugh more than the thread,is the ppl that sincerely wished her best wishes

    seriously you did tho didn’t you

    gerraout of here

    before I break another rib laughing.




    that’s you told shr lol


    i had a bit of a snortle as well arc,sorry laine x

    1 member liked this post.

    These threads are getting really heavy

    Pete, these boards have always been ehavy. I found themvery ehavy over the summer, tryng to handle my dad’s death while every post of mine was met with the same three or four people caricaturing and abusing me. That’s how it is. We take the rough wiht the smooth. The mix of serious (sometiems verys erious) and jokey are what make these boards interesting. I hope the serious side doesn’t put people off, any more than the jokey side should put off more serious posts. Anyway, your humour is a valuable part of the boards (though not always lol) and I look forward to drac’s reply to SHR.

    have you been to the dentists  skep?,its just that your spelling still seems under the  influence of gas,like one of those ppl you meet in the street

    me “hiya ltns”

    them “jusht bin to denshits”

    me,”sorry you’ve been doing what”?

    “der denshists

    me “oh right,the dentists,ah anyway gota go,ive no time to be standing around talking about ppls teeth”

    gummy” oh schfck off coshy sher schnobhed”

    me,”yeh whatever bye I really got to go,cant understand you anyway, your mouths full of shit, so no change there then bye



    sorry but is this thread some kind of a joke? tell me if it isn’t because I don’t want to be laughing when nobody else is,and have everybody on my back

    seriously the thread starts off all gushy gushy,ive finally met the love of my life etc,then 2 pages later shes a serial killer and an international con artist,who just happened to target michelle

    well I”ll be danged

    goes away scratching and a shaking my head.


    the room wont die,i wont let it,slightly disagree with you tho sums its welsh fem we need back

    its definetly not morning without her xx


    oh ps groupies lots of fuckinlaughs/


    right ive got to sort this out,other wise you will think im a liar,i never have pmd kennington villas

    but I did sort  of use her as a prop  (soon kicked me didn’t she and you say the boards are dead ?

    lol,im  here keno I will make it up to you no kisses


    he looks like that geezer from egg heads cant remember his name cos im not fckn intetested hin him

    it is cy or summat killed  a bloke in a canal?


    ive observed you over the years mitch never said owt,I don’t like bob(thin) but he is right shes to sort of er I don’t wanna say itmhow can I say it nicely erm a bit out of your league

    just watch yer purse luv

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