These threads are getting really heavy
Pete, these boards have always been ehavy. I found themvery ehavy over the summer, tryng to handle my dad’s death while every post of mine was met with the same three or four people caricaturing and abusing me. That’s how it is. We take the rough wiht the smooth. The mix of serious (sometiems verys erious) and jokey are what make these boards interesting. I hope the serious side doesn’t put people off, any more than the jokey side should put off more serious posts. Anyway, your humour is a valuable part of the boards (though not always lol) and I look forward to drac’s reply to SHR.
have you been to the dentists skep?,its just that your spelling still seems under the influence of gas,like one of those ppl you meet in the street
me “hiya ltns”
them “jusht bin to denshits”
me,”sorry you’ve been doing what”?
“der denshists
me “oh right,the dentists,ah anyway gota go,ive no time to be standing around talking about ppls teeth”
gummy” oh schfck off coshy sher schnobhed”
me,”yeh whatever bye I really got to go,cant understand you anyway, your mouths full of shit, so no change there then bye