words just fail me how this clown thinks he is the king of jc chat
lets have a look at this absolute joke of a poster
he started out as anitagradump, which is a play on words i need to go for a dump
hilarious eh,hes changed his name to all things klopp now,kloppity klopp,klopp your hands etc
just waiting for the buffoon to bring out merry klopmass,and all this this off a liverpool fan,who has never been to anfield, he slates everybody off who doesnt agree with him and puts them on iggy,then says why does everybody want to be me
lol ive got news for you mate,we dont,why do we want to be a mummys boy,sitting in our bedrooms typing silly inane rubbish every night and then he has the audacity to report people who he doesnt like,i read the other day he has reported me 4 times to ld for giving abuse to ppl using various names,i havent but he must think all clones are me
ive had rucks with ppl in the past yeh i admit it it,but i dont bother now,theres no point so ive grown up and cleaned up my act something he needs to do
so my overall summary of him is this,hes not funny i dont laugh at him,but i do laugh at the ppl that call him anita
hes just an arrogant crashing bore in my book.