well you see my problem,if indeed it is a problem I come from a board site where virtually anything goes,well it did but not so much now stringency laws etc,so ive never known any better,so when I poke fun at somebody its the norm for me,im like that in real life,theres no way I mean any personal offence to anybody,its all a joke to me
my motto is …if you cant take it dont give it
and boy have I taken some shit over the years
but thats the way it is innit?
just carry on regardless
imo theres no point in chat sites or boards if theres no near to the knuckle banter
which would you prefer? the hi bye brigade
or topics you can get your teeth into?
yeh I admit as long as you dont go to far or get to personal,alls fair isnt it?
its not like we are kids is it,we are all over 40.