Forum Replies Created
18 February, 2017 at 5:37 pm #1022451
ok hands up gucci credit where credit is due x,you can do boards
but cant you see the more you reply to enid blyton,the more you clog chat up
why not chat to me instead?
18 February, 2017 at 4:33 pm #1022447great ripostes gucci lol xx,hey we might make a boardie out of you yet
18 February, 2017 at 3:10 am #1022423are you actually thick gucci ,cos if you are im sorry i hate picking on the afflicted
are you honestly saying to me you are unaware of the droves of chatters that iggy moi
come on you arent that stupid or blind……..are you?
all i suggested take your road show to f2 and if people want to follow you they will,but i wouldnt hold your breath
ps wassup why cant your bf speak up for you..oh hes to probably pissed,comatose,and even if he was sober,he would only quote from enid blyton books
relegate moi and gucci i say,hey do you see the poll bit on the boards well im going to do one options are ban moi (not you) cos youre to thick to know any better,2,chuck em in f2.3,let them stay in f3,and i bet you any money it will be a landslide verdict no 2,now get out of my face gucci
17 February, 2017 at 6:01 pm #1022411yes but thats what im trying to say to you laine,you come in early in the morning,you may say in all innocence good morning room,then you get unwarranted vile abuse,why not just stick to the boards laine,everybody knows who everybody is,yeh ok I know its a bit boring there might be nobody in,pats c has suffered the same fate,nobody goes in,but if jc or pats c made it a viable community,I think itd work?
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17 February, 2017 at 4:17 pm #1022406Hello everyone..I used to have some nice chats from time to time but then you would get the ones who Claimed to be happy married or happy in their relationship..It all starts off with false words of niceness then its the old lines of…Do you have a photograph, would you meet, then they would try to get personal. As I reminded them that if they were happy at home then why would they wish to meet and want phone numbers ect…I alao pointed out that its not a dating site and one of the rules are that this site does not allow any sexual content. I used too end such conversations. The moral of the above is that it is so easy to ignore and end any conversation that you’re not happy about.
why do you use the used to so much angela?,youre still active
also I dont really know rudeboy as such ,but i tell you what hes a sharp un,if I may just address you a minute,refrains saying a message to you rudy,I also hate ,and ive said it many times the hi,bye,wb,brigade,but ive come to realise thats what chat is,so you know let it be innit,so consequently I prefer boards,in all my years on boards ive never seen anybody say hi,bye,wb,brb,hb ltns etc.
17 February, 2017 at 4:07 pm #1022405just been proof reading my post,does anybody know when they invented pockets?
if id a been around then,id have invented pockets,its not rocket science is it?
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17 February, 2017 at 4:04 pm #1022404head,dont think they called them nobheads in the auld days
as in “hey little lord fauntleroy im having your pockets you fckn nobhead ponce”
17 February, 2017 at 3:59 pm #1022403lol reeze,I think nob goes back to the victorian days,where bill sykes would say go and rob that nob oliver,i,e nob-posh geezer
nowadays its go and mug that knob
17 February, 2017 at 3:45 pm #1022401Angela, I’m not really into pulling people up on grammar but it’s one that does my head in. It’s “to work” and not “too work”
well if youre not in to it why say it? ive just typed youre cos kenningtons has a bugbear about ppl typing your but tbh there is no excuse for spelling mistakes on the boards,cos youve got lots of time to proof read it,its not like chat where its all huster and bluster and everybody is typing dead quick to get a word in edgeways in front of mois next reply,not reply but you know what I mean so anyway seeing reason started it,im not going to pick up on peoples grammar either now moons was an extremely funny post,bless her x but shouldnt it be folk lore and not law?
Oh cosy stop being a nob
its knob not nob
17 February, 2017 at 3:37 pm #1022400Cosie please stop typing like you are a local Lancashire hardman, you are really really old, really really short and you think your 70’s porn star mustachio is still trendy. Kisses and Hugs.
yej i am old im 52,and really short at 6ft id better buy some platforms.
Cosie, you have openly said on Pats you are 53, are you telling porkies again wee man? Hugs and Kisses.
no I said im 53 this april 23rd (st georges day) any chance of me me me having a thread all about me,me,me on that special day?