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  • #1074270

    thanks sarah xx

    Hey word is the unused Members only room is under new management Mine – YEY I may make it the drunk rambling and people who like to talk utter crap room. If you know anyone who wants to help me make it proper lively let me know. Use it or lose it I say xx

    drunk talking utter crap room you say ok im on it likea car bonnet where do I sign up….oh here yeh cheers ears :mail:

    2 members liked this post.

    ruby is only joshing you sairs she does look good in black


    weren’t vol a vonts an integralmember of any 80s wedding buffet?

    1 member liked this post.

    id also like to acknowledge limpy bob aka thin rides and that just nothing

    thin behave

    rides yeh mon

    just nothing er  yeh good post!  thing what you may not realise is,you are on the boards not chat there is no need to rush so slam on the brakes slow down man

    sort your grammar out then I might not sure but I may converse with you

    depends what mood im in

    anyway you tc yeh


    Cosy, Ever hear expression, “Not succeed first time,you try, try and try again, to final results found, that make you happy.” Xxx

    no I haven’t  but I have heard of if at first you don’t succeed fuck it move on.

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    hang on sairs let me put my head on straight

    I wanna explain what I mean

    give us 5 yeh



    no come on lets be fair I have no guilt what I typed

    and one thing I do is never take offence or take it personally

    im just a face in the crowd

    I like rammo sound guy he typed as he saw respect mon.

    maybe I was a bit wrong that ari cheats

    im sure he doesnt

    maybe im just pissed off and frustrated that I don’t get more points

    so heres my apology sorry for my petulant juvenile post ari

    cant say fairer than that.

    1 member liked this post.

    YEH but you cant always get what you want though mizzy

    don’t start giving me that lispy violet Elizabeth bottesque nonsense again.

    nodding grin to our rubes

    love bubble?


    mmm I

    1 member liked this post.

    im also very fond

    of saying g,0.0.m.s

    when people get on my threps

    and when im really well rather irate

    I say G,O,O,M,F,S

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    heres another one I like I even say it loud  in public lotsoffuckinlaughs

    I know the lol word means something else

    but I prefer the sweary version



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