im going to have to stop posting on this thread ,cos its all gone tits up for me
what an awful weekend ive had first of all that woman who I wrote the thread about
read it and went ballistic and refuses to see me anymore.
so I thought im not bothered ive got a back up gf and remembered it was her b/day on sun 8 oct I didn’t get her a card but I did buy her 8 cans of skol super strength
but it turned her a bit funny cos she was really drunk
and she went on a mad one and kicked me and archie out bout 10 oclock last night(that’s why I wasn’t on quiz)
it might have been the weed I give her cos I do tend to smoke strong stuff as you may be able to tell by my erratic posts
anyway I was well mongoosed took me about an hour to walk home lol
so suffice to say ive lost 2 gfs in 2 days
im single now,,but hey don’t rush to form a queue girls
because im worthless I have no morals in fact im a complete and utter waste of space
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