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  • #1066568

    stop being a mard arse q this isn’t the quiz now

    I am actually in the film but Ionly make a hitchcockesque cameo appearance.


    sister act

    emma whoo and morticia adams

    in a dastardly plot try to fool jc regs

    but it all goes tits up when they pick on cosys mate.

    don’t pick on our rubes again ok.


    showwaddy the movie

    ann chantel disrupts the canteen crew

    scuse me I make the coffee for dave


    brief encounter

    tinks loses her nickers on a train,and a guy whos been eyeing her up

    hasten to add they accidentally fell out of her bag

    and some jc nutter rampages  thru the corridors  look at me look at me im wearing tinks nickers onmy head

    am I funny

    er not really as lake gets tazered.


    Shirley valentine

    dd goes to the Algarve via Greece,and falls in love with a portugese waiter who gets up early to secure dds sun bed

    but it all goes tragically wrong when she invites him back to hers and jose starts putting felt tips on her duvet and says in pidgin English  you togs no good.


    romeo and juliet

    moi climbs up to guccis window on a ladder while her husband is asleep in the west wing

    starts whispering sweet nothings to her but tragically falls off and lands in a drunken crumpled heap.

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    hitchikers guide to the galaxy

    ram takes the  film title alittle to literally and pulls a hamstring even before he reaches Gatwick.

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    mr pat finally gets a job

    as a supermarket shelf stacker,but annoys the management when he asks for a step ladder,even tho he is only on filling the freezer duties.

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    the postman always rings twice

    but not at borns he doesn’t he rings once and his dragged in with his sack over his head

    but our intrepid postman turns the tables and puts the sack over her head

    coughs empties his sack then puts the rest of his letters in a few lidls carrier bags he finds lying about on our raven beauties encrusted carpet

    and carries on with his round.


    whiskey galore

    moons husband goes away on a 3 day fishing trip

    and its all round to hers.

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