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    im seeing linda?

    yeh I often pop over to nyc for a brew in the morning.

    love our walks in central park

    anyway obviously I cant say any names but ge said linda has got a bald head and a penis and lives in north london

    im assuming he is referring to alfie.

    seriously tho rube look after yourself I think the world of you xxxx


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    tc skep old friend

    anybody heard of chris de burgh before he became commercial lady in red etc

    I heard a song on the radio late one night it was about the devil and god playing cards for the souls of the dead

    I was like wow whos this?

    heard the dj say Christie bear it sounded like

    so I went to the record shop to see if he had an album out

    heres how it went

    shop girl “hi you gorgeous specimen id love to help you just take me away from this drudgery and I will be yours for ever more”

    she didn’t really it was more like

    “oh not you again what do you want now youre starting to become a pest”

    no she didn’t say that either this what happened

    shopgirl “hiya”

    me”alright have you got anything by Christy bear”?


    me,”oh I don’t fckn know do I just some bloke on the radio I heard”

    her “im not sure can you sing it to me”

    me,”no not really no who do you think I am a song and dance act,im just here to buy a record that’s all?

    her “well you must have a clue any snippet of lyrics at all”?


    by this time dear readers im like ffs im sorry I came in here now.


    anyhow we somehow sussed it out it was chris de burgh and the song was Spanish train

    and the album is called Spanish train and other stories

    if I could recommend one album it would be this one

    some cracking songs on it probably the most famous is patricia the stripper

    but that’s like a jaunty comedy number

    and I think a spaceman came travelling was in the charts its always on at xmas

    but I like hes poignant ones

    which brings me to my point finally hey why use one word when a thousand will do

    great song on it is old friend


    download the album or watch it on youtube

    its alright honestly

    I wouldn’t put youse on a bum steer.


    oh then ruby we need to cuddle x but my best friends don’t like to watch me getting abused u have friends

    you talked to me one night, few weeks ago now. I was on as a number, as I could not sign in.. I said nothing in the room and you pm’ed me.. we had a really good talk, and you were a number too but admitted who you were. Never laughed so much in ages. and I remember thinking, at the time.. wish she would trust me more.

    so is mizzy ok then rubes? right you wouldn’t say it if she wasn’t so hiya miz

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    are you accusing me of being thin ice mizz?

    anyway all is well in camp now

    im back im just  gonna keep a low profile in chat now I could never be a number again

    im still open to the odd pm now and again tho

    but it depends what mood im in.


    ok yeh I do know of merlin hes just a despicable nobody to me,just ignore him stay in f3 and the boards

    you be ok with us

    if you insist going in f2 so be it its on your head

    as my dear auld mam used to say to me when I was a kid

    don’t come running to me  when you break your legs.



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    P.s. wow now, not only Linda,accused of being another from here. Shoot, that stinks. [/q

    Orson. Am in f2. Defending some of my pals and forum here.. got this real bad man, coming after me as defending some. You know merlinn? Bad man..offered me a donkey ride, told him no, he could have that. Would take you instead. That alright with you. Wanted you to hear from me. Xxxooo

    well what do you want me to do linda ? im not your bodyguard

    best advice I can give you if f2 upsets you ,stay out of it.


    Interesting. So who was the person you attacked after being attacked by a number? Are you saying that you were basically trolled by a number so you decided to become a troll yourself? Or did you attack the number that had attacked you? I was attacked by a number 71, was that you? See now you’ve admitted to doing that, how does anyone know you wont do it again? Shame you don’t know anyone nice (who you haven’t turned against recently for no reason other than to just jump on a bandwagon that had nothing to do with you) who could advise you on how to still get into the rooms after an ip address ban. I’m sure I don’t know, unlike you, I am not a troll. I must remember not to attempt to cross your bridge. :yahoo:

    IM not sure what happened to be honest mizzy ,I just know I was getting slaughtered cosys this orsons that

    by numbers of course,so I decided to retaliate for once as a number and attacked back (which ive said sorry for) im a mancunian of course I will retaliate its in our nature,we also delight in a bit of mickey taking but we are talking to people all over the world here not everybodys going to have thesame s,o,h are they

    if you knew me youd know I haven’t got a nasty bone in my body

    as re_ laney weve got on well in the past and probably will again

    maybe I took the joke to far about karaokes and green jumpers :unsure:

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    good morning linda

    just wondering if theres any chance of giving us a clue what you are talking about?

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    so I take it that’s a no then.


    oops sorry mr reed

    I think its my computer im ok for getting on boards,just not chat although I was on quiz last night

    I will just keep fiddling about with it.

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