yes I was the was that maths teacher,who had to explain to the kids
“but you need maths”
confronted by angry pupils when I was trying to drive my renault 5 home
banging on the windows “sir sir why do we need maths you c”nt
im like yeh worever
do you know you try and help people and they throw it in your face?
IVE always found as an ex teacher,and now a magician,the knowing the mystical powers and knowing the mystical knowledge of the number 9 helps
just saying like
hiya lainey,x nice to converse with you again
not cos youre a millionaire
I dont go in jc chat anymore due to its full of nobrots
who cast spurious allegations
just keep your chin up,keep the faith and dont let the barstards grind you down
the cose xxxx
right first of all er what am I on about?
oh yeh well said kenners(I miss you x)
right now moving onto mz gin soaked b1TCH
I despair of you sometimes
never on a sunday eh rose